Magical Titles and Rankings Rank/Title in Elba | World Anvil
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Magical Titles and Rankings

While different nations and institutions have their own ranking systems, the general big three of 'Mage', 'Wizard' and 'Sage' still exist with Mage being the lowest and Sage being the highest. The qualifications to gain these titles vary greatly between countries. A Sage in one may be as powerful as a Greater Wizard in another.   Generally, anyone who can use any magic is addressed as 'Mage XXX' and are treated with a greater deal of respect. Most nobles are technically mages but they are usually addressed by their noble titles rather than their magical titles unless their magical reputation supersedes their noble station. Many people with some financial means find magic tutors so they can be called mages. Mage is also a word for magic users in general. Thus, while mage is a formal title, Wizards and Sages are both technically mages in informal settings.   Most countries further subdivide the three broad categories. A person dedicated to the art of magic is usually distinguished in some way from one who simply learns a few spells for prestige or obligation. Advanced countries with magical academies like Outesia and Asteria call graduates 'Greater Mages'. A learning mage is an Apprentice Mage.   Wizard is usually a much harder title to get, requiring a notable feat of magic, military prowess or contribution to research. Outesia grants the title of 'Lesser Wizard' to Greater Mages who have participated in 10 battles. Titles for contributions to research are awarded by a country's institutions and are usually longer and more specific such as 'Lesser Wizard of Agriculture'. Rarely is a title given simply due to a mage's great magical ability. Nepotism is also often involved. The Royal House of Begonia awards all members the title of 'Imperial Wizard' as long as magical ability is present and important nobles are far more likely to get higher magical evaluations.   Common wizard variants include 'Lesser Wizard', 'Wizard', 'Greater Wizard', 'Arch Wizard', 'Grand Wizard' and 'Imperial Wizard'. Grand/Arch Wizards are sometimes equivalent titles or have slightly different connotations. In Outesia, Arch Wizards are lower than Grand Wizards. In Asteria, they are equivalent but Arch Wizards are usually research oriented while Grand Wizards are military mages. 'Imperial Wizards' are sometimes a rank above 'Grand Wizard' (Outesia) and/or a wizard that simply serves the crown directly regardless of magical ability (Fior).   While the majority of mages can expect to perform one feat that grants them the title of 'Lesser Wizard' in their lifetime, becoming a Sage is a rare occurrence. Sages can typically only be appointed by royalty or a council of sorts. Different countries handle the title differently.   Outesia has the 'Council of Sages' comprised of political appointments, the head of every major magical house as well as genuine experts in magic. As such, Sage is often more a political title than a magical title. Those that gain the title through magical prowess are often given the title 'Lesser Sage' to the point where being called a 'Lesser Sage' is a greater compliment to one's magical abilities. Only the Emperor can promote Lesser Sages. While Sage is technically a higher title than Lesser Sage, due to the connotation, the Emperor will often elect to skip past the title and promote Lesser Sages to Greater Sages directly.   In Asteria, 'Sage' refers to the top 12 mages in the country. While political pressure does play its role, its Sages are usually indubitably powerful mages. 'Grand Sage' refers to the most powerful mage. Sages are required to perform many duties and service for the country. It is as much a title as an occupation. While prestigious and highly rewarded, it is a taxing job requiring a lot of merit. Theoretically, when a more powerful mage comes about, one of the Sages should be demoted. But in practice, it is much harder to demote someone than to promote them. There is a huge prestige drop from being a Sage to being an Arch/Grand Wizard. Since the majority of Sages are in their 50s-70s, the King will often wait for death or retirement to elect a new Sage.   'Sorcerer' is the general term referring to criminal mages. It sometimes refers to enemy mages. Enemy legends may be referred as the 'Great Sorcerer' or other monikers by laypeople.
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