Vampires Species in Elatorel | World Anvil
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Descendants of Ancient Elves and Bloodsucking monsters from the void, these creatures draw much of their culture from their elvish heritage. Their bodies have access to both Mana and Shadows systems due to their ancestry.

Basic Information


Pale like their BSM origin, and slender like their elvish ancestors, vampires took traits from both species. Their ears are pointy, and their eyes change colors depending on the concentration of ether in the region and its type.   Very agile and from a young age, they show an affinity to shadows.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gestation method is similar to humans, the period is two years.

Growth Rate & Stages

rapid growth in the early years, slow growth once they reach their teens.

Ecology and Habitats

High affinity to moonlight, susceptible to debuffs in sunlight. They prefer cold and dry climates. Note that some subspecies have been known to not have these inherit weaknesses.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Similar to their elvish ancestors, vampires do not need food or water to survive. However, much of their spells and abilities rely on their intake of blood.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced hearing reaching the level of echolocation. Eyes that can distinguish the type of ether that permeates an area. Night vision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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