Thurgadin Settlement in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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Thurgadin is a dwarven citadel deep in the Underfoot. The deep dwarves of Thurgadin are the custodians of the Temple of Brell Serilis, a temple from which legends say it is possible to travel to Kernagir, the Shinging City of Brell Serilis in the plane of earth. The dwarves are hostile to any non-Brell worshipers who approach the citadel as they are responsible for safeguarding the temple from intruders. They are at war with the nearby evil-eyes of Xaranarax who wish to invade the temple for reasons unknown. Their goblin thralls regularly attack Thurgadin. It is a dungeon for levels 45-70.

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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