Chardok Settlement in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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Chardok is the capital of the Ring of Scale. It is a circular city constructed around the top of a volcano in Trakanon's Teeth. It consists largely of insulae and palaces and is swarming with dragons, drakes, and Sarnak. This is a dungeon for levels 40-65. Floating over the center of the volcano is the Skyfire Citadel. The Sarnak of Gorowyn are welcome here. All outlanders are attacked on sight unless they have done considerable work to increased their faction with the Ring of Scale.  

Points of Interest

  Temple of Veeshan: The Temple of Veeshan is located among the palaces. Clerics of Veeshan can teleport hear.

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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