Caerthiel Settlement in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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Caerthiel is the city of the Caer Dal, built in the Lesser Feydark. It is architecturally Japanese in flavor. The city sits atop palisade cliffs. A sea cave beneath the city is home to a small port where traders from Freeport dock. As the city controls no quarries, it is built out of wood and soji screens. A high earthen bank surrounds the city, out of which rises a wooden wall coated in thick plaster and topped with a parapet. The White Castle, the centerpoint of the city, sits at the wall’s only gate acting as a bulwark for the city behind. Most Caer Dal weapons are wooden or made from low quality iron recycled from enemy blades or traded with Crushbone. The Caer Dal have become excellent potters, and their porcelain is traded all across Norrath. They also make spidersilk garments and paper. Caerthiel has Druid, Conjurer, Illusionist, Invoker, Warrior, Ranger, Paladin (Paladins of Quellious), Cleric, Rogue, and Monk trainers.  

Points of Interest

  Black Oak Square: An old oak tree, planted by the druids centuries ago from an acorn from Tharron, the Black Oak gets its name from its dark bark. It sits in the center of a grassy square. The Dark Druids hold congregations here (although for certain rituals they make pilgrimage to other areas such as the Faerie Court).   The Street of Secrets: A street home to numerous shops and guilds of a magical nature. The conjurers’ compound, Invokers’ compound, and Illusionists’ compound are located along this street, as are several herbalists and alchemists. A Crushbone shaman has taken up residence here as well, and students who wish to learn the shamanic arts come to him to study.   The Harbor: The port from which trade ships from Freeport dock. The harbor is constructed in an enormous sea cave beneath the city, which is large enough for several ships to moor simultaneously. The Darkway River empties here and a special barge dock exists at its mouth. Goods from the harbor pass up to the city through a well with a crane or carried by porters up a stairway.   Merchant Square: The well and stairs from the harbor open here and many shops and street sellers can be found here. The bank of Caerthiel is also located here as is the city clerk who registers guilds and businesses.   Temple Square: A square home to several shops and eating establishments. The city’s Pantheon is situated here (Quellious occupying the centerpoint). The Monastery of the Broken Blade is located opposite the Pantheon and is home to the Broken Blade Monks (Quellious). The Knight’s Temple, headquarters of the Templars (Paladins of Quellious), is also here.   Potterstreet: A street with many pottery workshops where Caerthiel's famous porcelain is made. Completing an epic quest chain will grant players the ability to make porcelain.   Silkweaver Grove: A wooded area within the city which is home to the Silkweavers, a group of Feyspiders who weave their mystic silk into bolts of cloth. The dark druids are the main liaison between the Silkweavers and the rest of the city, having forged the original alliance between the Silkweavers and the Caer Dal.   The White Castle: Protected by several baileys with a keep situated on an artificial hill of raised earth, the castle controls the only gate into the city and is the home of Queen Reythanis Thex and seat of her court. The Defenders of Caerthiel (warrior guild) have their barracks here. The castle is also the base for the Eyes of Thex, the queen’s spies and assassins (rogue guild). The Rangers of Caerthiel are also based here (on the occasions when they are in the city).

Guilds and Factions

The Dark Druids: The druids of the Caer Dal walk a difficult road. Their racial corruption makes them abhorrent to most animals and plants, however they have managed to form a bond with bats and spiders, who recognize their shared bond: they are all feared and reviled by the world at large. The Dark Druids hope through this sympathetic connection to begin regrowing their bond with the natural world as a whole.   The Defenders of Caerthiel: the warriors of Caerthiel   The Eyes of Thex: the spies and assassins of the queen   The Silkweavers: the Feyspiders allied with the Caer Dal   The Templars: The temple knights of Quellious. These paladins are based in the Temple of Quellious in temple square.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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