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January 1, 236 A.D.

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Eichenrok is a world full of magic and martial arts. Full of grand wizards locked up in their towers researching new spells and brave barbarians seeking to slay whatever foul beast crosses their path. Some may seek to master martial arts and hone their senses. While others may seek the guidance of a deity to gain magical powers. Of course, some choose to not pursue any of these at all. For those people, they may become merchants traveling the land in search of profits or craftsmen working hard to master their trade.   The lands that occupy Eichenrok vary from cold harsh tundras to humid unforgiving jungles. The great plains are filled with life and small bustling towns. Everywhere people travel gives a new life experience with it. In the humid jungles, many tribes dot the area and constantly fight for power over the grand tree. Throughout the cold tundras, many nomads live off the land trying to fend off the elements themselves. The scorching desert hosts its own towns known for mining and mineral trades. Some places in Eichenrok, however, remain uninhabited to humanoids. Some of these areas such as the lava hills are full of the most precious resources as a result.

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