Ysyn Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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Goddess of Spring, Nature, and Rebirth

Ysyn is the seasonal Goddess of Spring and Nature as well as the representation the cycle of life. All living creatures are born, live, and eventually die, but their death often means the birth of something new. And so the world goes on, life and death in a constant circle, cycle after cycle.   Spring is the season where nature begins to awaken again after the harsh winter. The trees begin to grow leaves again, new plants start to sprout, life itself seems to reawaken during this period of the year. This is why Ysyn is linked with Spring, as no matter how harsh the Winter was, a rebirth of nature will happen during this season. It is a testament of the strength and resolve of life. Nature may be destroyed, but it will be reborn and adapt, it will never disappear.   As the Goddess of Nature, Ysyn cares about all living things, whether plants or animals, sentient or not. However, She will never break the cycle of life to protect one of them. As much as She loves plants and creatures alike, the Goddess of Nature acknowledges that all life must eventually end, to make room for something new. Ysyn hates those that break the natural cycle, as well as those that go out of their way to unnecessarily harm and destroy nature.   As Ysyn is one of the four seasonal Gods, next to Celios, Thereon, and Zedona, She is considered to be one of the most powerful Deities of Ehldaron’s Pantheon. She is also very popular, and commonly worshipped by the people.   Ysyn has a daughter, Nisah, Demigoddess of the Hunt, whom is also one of her closest allies.     Beliefs and Purpose   Ysyn is the main protector of nature itself. While the cycle of life and death is extremely important to Her, it doesn’t mean that she approves mindless destruction of wildlife and vegetation. For example, killing an animal for food is fine, but killing an animal for the fun of it is a serious offense. This also goes the other way however, as Ysyn dislikes the unnatural extension of life as much as she hates its mindless destruction. No matter how benign your intentions are, trying to extend the lifespan of something of which the time has come, or even worse, raising something from the dead, is a perversion of nature and the cycle of life, and thus a serious offense against the Goddess of Nature.   This means that Ysyn is neither pure good or pure evil. In Her eyes, the world is a balance between life and death, between harmony and conflict, between order and chaos, and between good and evil. Nature in her eyes is all of these things. It is something that can be pleasant and peaceful, but also harsh and deadly. And it is important that it stays that way.   During the time of the Great God War it is believed Ysyn mostly stayed out of the conflict. Initially the war was simply part of life to Her, like a struggle of opposing forces within nature. That sentiment began to change as the War grew bigger and more destructive, with Gods clashing with other Gods. The Goddess of Nature became a well-known advocate for peace, as she sensed that the world itself began suffering. Conflict had grown out of control. However, unlike the Goddess of Peace and the God of Protection, Ysyn stayed away from most battlefields, as she disliked direct intervention. Instead, She used Her magic and Her followers to allow refugees to escape deep within giant forest, where they could began a new life. Ysyn also focused a great deal of Her efforts on protecting parts of nature that teemed with life but were at risk because of the war, like great woods filled with wildlife.   Despite a more neutral attitude towards the different factions participating in the Great God War, it is of course likely that the Nature Goddess and Her followers were still attacked on multiple occasions. However, they were hidden deep within enormous living forests that protected them, as these were almost impenetrable.     Followers   During Ancient times Ysyn had many followers, often living deep within large forests. These followers did their best to live in harmony with nature, and dedicated their lives to preserve the precious cycle of life and maintain the balance within it. Many followers were druids, priests, or clerics that wielded Nature related magic that could be used in a large variety of ways.   To this day there are communities of druids and priests living secluded from society that remain, although there are not many of them left, and most of these communities are now very small.   Since Ysyn is currently one of the most important Deities in Ehldaron’s pantheon She has become very popular in most nations, with some of these nations even choosing Her as their main Deity. She is especially popular with farmers and other workers of the land, as they consider the Nature Goddess also one of fertility, although many more people prefer to worship Her above the other Gods. This is often because these people consider Ysyn to be a Goddess that isn’t as extreme and demanding as many of the other good Gods, while she still cares for life. It is often forgotten however, that despite Her love for the different races of Ehldaron, evil, pain, and death is necessary, as it is still a part of the cycle of life.   Temples of the Goddess of Nature are relatively common, and can usually be found on the outskirts of town, near a forested area or hills, where the temple is built in harmony with the surrounding nature. As with all seasonal Gods, Ysyn can be found in almost all of the general temples that exist.   Devout worshippers of Ysyn are sometimes granted the ability to channel Her Divine magic, which they then use to preserve the cycle of life and protect Nature. Their service is a difficult one, as maintaining the balance in the world is a complicated task at best.

Divine Domains

Nature & Rebirth (Light, Nature, Grave)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

2 hands in a triangle shape with a tree inside
Divine Classification
High God

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