Yohr Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Death

It is said that in times long past the God known as Yohr worked closely together with the Goddess Ehstas to take care of the souls of mortals when they died. Yohr was the embodiment of death itself, the reaper of souls. When a mortal died, no matter whether it was by natural causes, a casualty of war, a brutal murder, or something else, Yohr would be at their side during their final breaths, to then take the soul out of the physical body and guide it to “The Grey”. The Grey is the realm of Ehstas, Goddess of the Undead, and all souls brought there by Yohr would then be cared for and judged for their actions in life. Once Ehstas made her decision, she would bring the soul to the realm where it belonged. Yohr was the God of Death, a necessary part of the cycle of life that worked closely together with the Goddess of the Undead. Death was still scary, but He was there for those that died. No matter who you were in life, Yohr would be there during your final moments, and after your death, guiding you to The Grey.   However, all this changed during the ancient times. At some point in the past Yohr had enough of his task to gather souls and guide them to The Grey. He renounced his duty, and simply left. There are many stories that try to explain what exactly happened, but the truth is that nobody knows for sure. Yohr’s departure was a disaster for the cycle of life, and Ehstas was forced to find a replacement. However, the short time that there was no reaper of souls was a disaster for all life. It was called “the harrowing”, a period where death was rampant, yet without a being that was able to guide the souls of those that died.   Yohr quickly became the thing that he always hated. A perversion of the natural order that cared nothing for the line between life and death. He became a being that hated both Gods and mortals alike and only had one goal: Kill everyone, and harvest their souls to become more powerful so He could kill more. Yohr has always kept his title as the God of Death, although it now carries a far more evil and destructive meaning than it originally did.     Beliefs and purpose   Yohr has but one goal: To kill every living being. Whether it’s a God or a mortal, sentient or not, everything must die. The God of Death simply holds a massive hatred for life itself, and He will stop at nothing to destroy it, nor will He rest until His goal is achieved. If Yohr is successful, then Ehldaron will be a cold, lifeless realm where nothing will be able to ever thrive again.   Because there is so little information about the ancient times it is unclear when exactly Yohr turned against mortals and the Gods, but rare sources from the God War era indicate that it happened before that event. The God of Death was an incredibly dangerous force during the entirety of the God War, and has been the result of multiple unusual alliances between otherwise warring Deities. While Yohr has caused great death in the past, He was never close to reaching his ultimate goal. Ever since the banishment of the Gods his goal seems even more difficult to reach, as the God of Death now has to work through far less powerful proxies.     Followers   When Yohr was the gatherer and guide of the souls that faced their death He was, just like Ehstas, a commonly worshipped and beloved Deity. Of course, ever since He turned against mortals and the Gods he is commonly feared and hated. Because of the God of Death’s evil nature his worship is forbidden in most nations.   Even during the ancient times when the Gods still roamed Ehldaron Yohr only had a very small amount of living followers. Most of His army existed out of souls He took from His victims and undead that He created. For a living person to join the God of Death was extremely rare. This is logical of course, as very few beings would ever willingly follow a Deity that desired the death of everything and everyone, including those loyal to Him. The rare few that did join Yohr were often madmen, or warped individuals that simply wanted to watch the world burn and see everyone die with it. After proving themselves useful enough those that joined the God of Death had to give up most of their soul to Him. In return they were granted immense power. These servants of Death were nearly immortal, held incredible power over all kinds of undead, and were able to suck the souls of their opponents.   Presently it is believed that there is only a very limited number of cultists of Yohr remaining the world. However, despite their small numbers, they are believed to be incredibly dangerous. These vile beings have no purpose other than to kill as many people as they can before they too are killed. They are notoriously hard to take down, and are known to use the vilest of magic to sate their hunger for death.

Divine Domains

Death (Death)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Swinging Scythe
Divine Classification
High God
Neutral Evil

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