Thereon Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Autumn and Storms

With enormous black clouds gathering in the sky, strong winds that nearly unroot the trees, giant maelstroms that form in the oceans, and destructive lightning bolts that crackle down, Thereon is perhaps the God with the most awe-inspiring presence. He is a Deity that emanates raw primal power, and he inspires both fear and admiration equally. As the God of Autumn and Storms, Thereon simply wants to revel in his great powers, and can often be seen showing them off in the form of a storm. While destruction or war is not His goal, He does take great joy from battling, as it allows him to utilize his powers to its full extent.   Thereon cares little for his fellow Gods and their scheming, and He is uninterested in the divide between “good” and “evil”, as there is no real difference between the two to him. Thereon generally feels somewhat indifferent towards the mortal races on Ehldaron. He does not want to care for them nor dominate them, but He does demand respect when He graces them with their presence.   Thereon isn’t simply related to Autumun because of his stormlike abilities that resemble the season’s bad weather. First of all, Autumn is a season of change, as that which bloomed during the summer begins to fade away. This is linked to Thereon in a number of ways. He has a capricious personality and changes His mind quickly, He is also known to have a large variety of forms ranging from a small white cloud hovering in the sky to a giant living Thunderstorm, and He is a Deity that requires a lot of change and for that reason constantly travels around. Autumn is also the season of activity, as both the plants and animals are preparing themselves for winter. This too can be Linked to Thereon, who dislikes doing nothing and will always be looking for a way to relieve Him of His boredom.     Beliefs and purpose   Unlike most deities, Thereon does not have an expansive set of personal codes. He simply roams around the world doing as He pleases, searching for interesting opportunities where he can show off his awesome powers. Sometimes that would translate in the God helping out locals by dealing with a threat that they face but can’t handle, while other times He might end up destroying entire villages or cities because the populace offended him in some way.   Wherever Thereon goes, He demands respect from lesser beings, although he does not require their service or obedience. That being said, should one fail to offer Thereon proper respect, it is not uncommon for that being to be the target of a lightning bolt.   Thereon is a relatively individualistic being, and He mostly respects other like Him that are not afraid to show off their strength and power, no matter what cause they use it for. It is also these kind of people that Thereon rewards with divine powers, which has resulted in him having a very wide and varied following.   During the Ancient Times Thereon did have a Homeland that was, true to his element, an extremely stormy island. It was believed to be such a harsh environment that none of the other Gods ever even attempted to conquer it. The God was never present for long in His home though, as he spent most of his time travelling around the world. Despite the fact that Thereon never truly desired a great following and a nation to rule, The God of Storms did build up a significant amount of followers that existed out of people that were so in awe with his powers that they chose to join him. Most of these people were allowed to live on Thereon’s island, but the truly great amongst these received the God’s greatest gift, to be able to share in His power, and travel and fight with Him. Because of Thereon’s nature, He never joined any side or circle or something similar during the God Wars. While it does seem that Thereon occasionally worked together with several other Gods, it would never be for long.     Followers   As one of the four seasonal Gods, Thereon is considered to be amongst the most powerful beings in Ehldaron’s pantheon, and that makes him widely worshipped to this day. Most farmers, fishermen, and others that work on the sea try to appease the God of Storms in some way, as they do not want to risk having their crops be destroyed or their ship being sunk by offending Him. Aside from these people, there are many individuals that consider Thereon as their personal main Deity because of His spectacular powers.   General temples that revere multiple Deities commonly represent Thereon, as is normal for the Elemental Gods. As firm followers of Thereon and followers of the other Deities don’t easily get along however, it is rare for the official clergy of a nation to build a temple in His name. Occasionally though, a group of worshippers of the Storm God bands together to build and maintain a temple dedicated to Him. These Temples are rarely located inside cities or towns, but can often be found in more difficult to reach locations where life is harsher, like on a small island in the sea, or high atop a mountain. In very rare instances, entire cities end up growing in these regions, fully focused on worshipping the God of Autumn and Storms.   Despite a significant following it is not easy to become a cleric of Thereon. He is a fairly individualistic God that only shares power to those He feels are capable enough to demand the respect a Cleric of Thereon should have. It is not enough to simply worship the Him, as everyone can worship a God. In order to be worthy enough to receive the gifts of the Storm, one has to prove themselves to be like Thereon. They have to be strong, willing to show off their strength, and need to be both respected and feared. Those who do become a Cleric of Thereon can often be found travelling around the world, searching for challenges where they can show off their power.

Divine Domains

Storm (Tempest)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Maelstrom with thunderclouds and lightning
Divine Classification
High God
Chaotic Neutral

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