The United Kingdoms of Edhellon Settlement in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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The United Kingdoms of Edhellon

The United Kingdoms of Edhellon were once part of the Independent Regions and, much like those within that region we know today, were little more than hundreds of small Petty Kingdoms and City-States. This changed, however, in the year 122 of the Fifth Age, when the 13 Great Houses that controlled numerous of these Petty Kingdoms decided to work together and form one united nation. The United Kingdoms of Edhellon.   Since that unification more and more of these Petty Kingdoms and City-States have joined the young nation, making it a considerable power on the Continent known as “The Tear” . In addition to its size, the United Kingdoms have made leaps in technological and military development, allowing them to rival nations such as the mighty Empire of Evadrin and impressive Theocracy of Dorothel. They also have a complex and surprisingly bureaucratic government, as the leadership lies in the hands of a monarch that leads together with 14 other Great Lords, each of which is specialised in a particular aspect of society. However, the most well-known qualities of Edhellon are its diversity and openness. The nation itself exists out of many different races of even more different cultures, all of them working together and welcoming any newcomers.   The people of Edhellon have come a long way from their once small and insignificant Petty Kingdoms and City-States. They are currently considered to be one of the major powers on “The Tear”, making it the first time since the Tearing of the World that there is a northern threat on the Continent.   The Capital of the United Kingdoms of Edhellon is city of Aelwic, and the current ruler is King Edmund Woodshearth.

Culture and Society

Few nations in history have ever had such a drastic switch in culture as the Petty Kingdoms that would eventually become the United Kingdoms of Edhellon. Where once most of these Petty Kingdoms valued their own independence above all else, Edhellon’s current inhabitants are known to be amongst the most open people on “The Tear”. They are friendly towards all races, and respectful of other cultures. Something that they of course needed to be in order for the United Kingdoms to be able to work together and prosper.   To this day, the different Lordships (and even regions within a lordship) can be very different from each other. For instance, the region of the Halfling Great House of the Silvereyes exists mostly out of small villages surrounded by large farm fields that they work. The people here work hard, but also enjoy life to the fullest, and have little to no worries. As long they have food, they are happy. They care little for military tradition and therefore own by far the smallest army. By contrast, the Lordship of the Dwarven Great House of Ambergrip is known to be a very serious people. One that considers duty of immense importance. From an early age many inhabitants within this region learn how to use a variety of weapons, and they train much to stay physically fit. The contrast between the Silvereyes and Ambergrips is immense, they have different values and often very different lives. Yet, despite this, both houses get along famously. Whereas once these differences made them consider each other as outsiders that they wanted nothing to do with, currently most people within Edhellen see great value in these differences, as this allows everyone to complement each other, something which is in the best interests of all parties involved.   The United Kingdoms of Edhellon are also rather bureaucratic in comparison to other nations. Because the Council of Lords has consists of 14 Lords and 1 Monarch, each with their own specific responsibilities, everyone is able to fully focus on one aspect of society. All of the great houses have specialised on their own domain, making each and every one of them experts in their field, as opposed to one monarch that oversees everything. This of course has resulted in each of these houses writing regulations to ensure everything they’re responsible for runs as well as possible. Most of the great houses see this bureaucracy as a good thing, as it ensures society runs as smooth, as productive, and as safe as possible. There are also those however that dislike the immense bureaucracy, and see it only as something that slows things down a lot.   Because of this heavy bureaucracy there are many rules that are uncommon or even non-existent in other nations. The most notable of these are the following:
  • One is not simply allowed to buy armour or weapons (magical or otherwise). Those that want to be able to do so need to receive permission from the Great House responsible for Commerce.
  • One is not allowed to repair broken public infrastructure (like a bridge, road, or public building) without permission and inspection from the Great House responsible for Infrastructure (as they may not meet minimal safety requirements).
  • Owners of a farm and/or livestock need to report yearly to the Great House responsible for Food so they can ensure crop diversity and make sure livestock is spread out evenly over Edhellon with high enough numbers.


Edhellon has two kinds military, and can be quite complex in comparison to that of other nations. The reason for this is that the Great Houses carefully want to balance the military strength between each other so that no one House (including the monarch) can become too dominant.   The first military exists out of the United Army and the United Navy, led by the Lord Commander and the Lord Admiral respectively, who are independent lords without any blood ties to one of the Great Houses. Both of these Lords are chosen by the Council of Lords. This United Military exists out of troops from all 13 Lordships, as the Great Houses are obliged to relinquish a significant portion of their own military manpower to the United Military. The United Military’s primary responsibility is the defence of the United Kingdoms of Edhellon. The army controls and watches the land borders, while the navy patrols the sea borders. They will also be responsible for dealing with potential major threats (such as the frost giants from the mountains in the west), and aid the different lordships in case there are severe problems (like revolts or rebellions). By command of the Council of Lords the United Military can be deployed to fight against other nations, although this has so far only been the case against petty kingdoms and city-states in the Independent Regions, and not (yet) against one of the continent’s greater nations. While the United Military is the largest military force in Edhellon and almost as big as all the vassal armies combined, it is itself fact quite small in comparison to national armies of other great nations, and is also spread out over a large territory. This is of course because a great amount of manpower is still held by the Great Houses. Because of this, the United Military can request aid from one or more of the Vassal Armies of the Great Houses should they deem it necessary.   The second military has already been mentioned, and are the Vassal Armies (there are no official Vassal Navies). The Vassal Armies are the military forces of the 13 Great Houses themselves. These forces serve the Lord or Lady of their House, and are led by a Knight-Commander. The size and resources of these Vassal Armies varies drastically from Great House to Great House. Some of these, such as the House of Anderfex, maintain an enormous and extraordinarily well equipped Vassal Army that has better resources than the United Military. Others, like Halfling House of Silvereyes, have a much smaller Vassal Army with far less resources. All Vassal Armies have their own distinct colours, although they will also include the symbol of the United Kingdoms on their equipment. These Vassal Armies are responsible for the protection and safety of the House they serve and the Lordship they control, and all settlements within it. They also deal with threats and problems within that lordship, and aid the city watch with the enforcement of local law enforcement. The city watch serves as the local police force dealing with everyday issues. These members, however, are not as well trained or equipped for dangerous situations or combat. This is why the Vassal Armies take care of these matters. Additionally, many small towns and villages may not even have a proper watch, so the Vassal Armies patrol these regions extensively to deal make sure these smaller settlements and the roads are safe from bandits, dangerous beasts, or other malignant beings (such as goblins and gnolls). Vassal Armies can request aid from the United Military should they deem it necessary. Conversely, the United Military can request aid from the Vassal Armies, something that commonly happens near the southern border with the Independent Regions and the western border near the Frost Giant Mountains.   In the case of both militaries, Knight-Captains fulfil the role of commanders of companies. Most commanders specialise in a specific role in combat, such as: centre, left flank, right flank, siege, narrow flank, or logistics. In descending order the other military ranks are: Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, and then normal soldiers.   Everyone aged 16 or older is able to enter the military, regardless of race or sex, as long they are fit to fight. Both arcane and divine spellcasters are always in high demand. One always applies to the military of the Great House in whose Lordship they live, as it are the officers that decide whether a recruit (or veteran) joins the Vassal Army or the United Military.


In Edhellon there is no taboo around magic and it is by many even looked at with admiration and wonder. Officials from all different instances, ranging from the royal court and the army to city architects and the city watch are always looking for mages to hire. Wizard academies are not uncommon, and welcome everyone with both interest and skill in the arcane, and the military even has a special training for spellcasters.   However, magic is also tightly regulated by a family in the council of Lords, the House of Vhearz. Every spellcaster that is born in Edhellon, or moves to live in the United Kingdoms, needs to be registered. Ignoring this rule is considered a grave offense that carries with it severe punishment. The regulations concerning the practice and use of magic themselves are fairly straightforward and usually come down to common sense and “don’t use magic to influence, spy on, or harm others”. In order to enforce these rules, Edhellon has taken over a practice used in the Empire of Evadrin, the Theocracy of Dorothel, and the Principality of Lothlorin. An Arcane Court, whose sole focus is to deal with violations of the laws regarding with magic, has been installed. Complementing the Arcane Court is the Justicar department, which trains an elite group of soldiers specialised in hunting down and capturing those that break the laws concerning magic. They are also the organisation that deals with special magical threats. These Justicars are of course trained in special counter-magic combat. The group employs both martial experts and powerful wizards, although exists mostly out of specialised Justicars that use a combination of both martial prowess and arcane magic to suppress spellcasters. Both the Court and the Justicar department are also overseen by the Great House of Vhearz.


Edhellon is one of the more tolerant nations when it comes to religion, something which is the result of the unification of dozens upon dozens of petty kingdoms and city states with each their own religious preferences. The worship of all Gods is allowed, as long they are not evil. Each Lordship, and even each settlement within that Lordship, is allowed to choose their main set of Gods if they so desire. However, all major settlements, such as cities, do need to provide a generalist shrine or temple where all Gods can be worshipped.   Religion is the responsibility of one member of the Council Lords, currently the Lord or Lady of the Great House of Gallovan. Not only do they oversee the regulations with regards to the faith and are responsible for the shrines and temples, but they also appoint all religious officials and keep good track of them. Whether you are a young acolyte that just entered the temple or an experienced and powerful cleric able to perform miracles, it is the Gallovan family that grants you your rank, title, and privileges, and it is the Gallovan family that will take them away should they feel you are not worthy of them.   Each of the 13 Lordships has their own religious leader, the Bishop, which is brought forward by the Lordship itself but needs to be appointed by the Great House responsible for matters of the Faith. The 13 Bishops elect one of them as the Archbishop, the religious leader in Edhellon. While the Great House responsible for the Faith is not directly involved with the election of the Archbischop, they are able to remove them from their function with majority support in the Council of Lords. Currently the Archbishop is Wallace Hennecy, from the Lordship of the House of Anderfex.   Unlike the Theocracy of Dorothel, the Empire of Evadrin, and, to a lesser extent, the Principality of Lothlorin Edhellon does not have a militarized branch or inquisition of the church that hunts heathens. Instead, should there be matters of the faith that do require military intervention, the Vassal Armies are usually requested, although often with the aid of skilled clerics.   Those that can channel divine powers are, similarly to arcane spellcasters, looked at with admiration and wonder by most of the populace. They too are frequently looked for by many different instances.


The United Kingdoms of Edhellon is by far the most diverse nation on The Tear. The majority of its population exists out of humans, as they are the most common race, but it also holds a significant Dwarven, Halfling, and Gnomish population. Even rare races such as Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, and Thieflings are more common here than in other nations with which it shares the continent.


The United Kingdoms of Edhellon’s government differs quite a bit from that of other nations. It is considered to be a monarchy, however, the king or queen does not rule alone. The ruling body of Edhellon is in fact “The Council of Lords”. This Council of Lords exists out of 15 Great Lords, 13 of which are the Head of one of the 13 Great Houses, and 2 of which are independent Lords with no connection to any of the Great Houses, chosen and appointed by the Council. Each of these Lords is responsible for one aspect of society, and one of the 13 Lords of the Great Houses will be elected as monarch. Ever since the creation of The United Kingdoms of Edhellon this has been the head of the Great House of the Woodshearth family, as they are revered for their diplomatic prowess and fairness, although this does not necessarily have to be the case and can change. Together, the 14 Lords and the 1 King or Queen rule Edhellon. While the monarch does not have absolute control, as each and every Lord on the Council holds considerable power, they do still hold significantly more power than the other Lords and are by far the most influential person in the entire nation.

Workings of the Council of Lords

  • Each Lord of the Council as well as the King or Queen is the leader of one aspect of society. They are responsible for the regulation and oversight concerning their domain, as well as any other duties related to it. All members keep the Council informed of any matters of importance related to their domain.
  • Only members of the Council of Lords itself can decide what issues will be discussed within the Council. That means that that at least one member needs to come forth with an issue in order for it to be discussed. While each Council Lord has their own domain, any Lord can bring up any issue, even if it is not related to their own domain.
  • The Council of Lords votes together on any decision that it makes. While each Lord is responsible for their own domain, the Council does vote together on new laws or decisions with major impact (like deploying the United Military). These votes require a majority meaning that for the decision to pass at least 8/15 votes are required.
  • The King or Queen is able to overrule any decision made by one of the Lords of the Council. However, the council can attempt to veto this overruling, but in that instance will require 11/15 votes.
  • Should one of the Great Houses not be able to provide a suitable Lord for the Council, or should they have neglected their responsibilities or abused their power, then the Council can vote a Great House out of power, taking away its title of Great House, and appoint a new House to take their place. Both decisions require all councilmembers including the monarch, bar the member being voted against, to approve this decision. In normal circumstances that means this would require 14/15 votes.
  • In order to appoint or remove one of the independent Councilmembers, a 14/15 vote is required.

Overview of the Council of Lords and their responsibilities


Great House Councilmembers

  • The Great House of Woodshearth. Human. Sovereign. Responsible for diplomacy, both internal and external. Creates laws. Judges the most severe criminals. Oversees the other lords.
  • The Great House of Albigny. Human. Justice. Oversees and appoints the judges. Responsible for the judgment of all but the worst criminal offenses and sees to it that they are carried into effect.
  • The Great House of Ambergrip. Dwarven. Law Enforcement. Oversees local law enforcement. Responsible for the building, maintenance, and oversight of jails. Appoints the officials.
  • The Great House of Anderfex. Human. Treasury. Oversees and keeps track of the Kingdom’s income and expenses. Responsible for the expenses of the Kingdom. Responsible for taxation as well as the collection of taxes.
  • The Great House of Gallovan. Human. Faith. Oversees and appoints religious officials. Oversees regulations with regards to the faith. Responsible for the building and maintenance of religious temples and shrines.
  • The Great House of Gizmo. Gnomish. Innovation. Responsible for technological innovation. Keeps tabs on the technology of other nations.
  • The Great House of Grandbeard. Dwarven. Commerce. Oversees trading regulations. Responsible for trading licenses. Responsible for the building, maintenance, and security of market places.
  • The Great House of Middleton. Human. Learning. Responsible for education. Responsible for the building and maintenance of libraries. Responsible for the preservation of knowledge.
  • The Great House of Northward. Half-Elven. Wilderness Reconnaissance. Oversees wilderness guides. Responsible for scouting the non-civilized lands around the nation. Keeps track of potential threats in the wilderness and deals with them should they become an issue.
  • The Great House of Silvereyes. Halfling. Food. Oversees regulations with regards to the production of food. Responsible for the production and distribution of food through farms and livestock. Responsible for ensuring good quality and variety of food.
  • The Great House of Swiftstone. Dwarven. Logistics & Infrastructure. Responsible for the construction and maintenance of the kingdom’s infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, walls, buildings, etc. Responsible for the kingdom’s city planning. Responsible for transportation within the Kingdom.
  • The Great House of Vaughn. Human. Intelligence. Monitors the Kingdom for dissidents and traitors. Gathers intelligence of foreign nations.
  • The Great House of Vhearz. Human. Magic. Oversees regulations with regards to magic. Oversees spellcasters. Responsible for the registration of spellcasters. Responsible for dealing with magic related threats.

Independent Councilmembers

  • Lord Commander: The Lord Commander is the leader of Edhellon’s United Army. They command the land forces and primarily focus on the defence of the United Kingdoms, as well as help the local authorities in case of problems. By decision of the council, the army can be deployed against foreign nations, although this has so far been limited to city-states in the independent regions.
  • Lord Admiral: The Lord Admiral is the leader of Edhellon’s Navy. However, unlike the army, the navy is quite limited in manpower and strength, as naval combat is rare and often limited to the coastal raiding of pirates. This weaker military power compared to the Lord Commander is therefore compensated with economic power instead, as the Lord Admiral is also responsible for the building and maintenance of harbours, customs of ship trade, as well as the protection of non-military vessels.
  See the article “Great Houses of Edhellon” for more information about both current and former Great Houses.


Edhellon uses a combination of the Hereditary and Elective traditions to regulate its succession. Whenever a member of the Council (including the current monarch) dies or is otherwise incapable of ruling, their title will pass on to someone else within that Great House. Each Great House has their own rules of heritage, although most of them come down to the oldest child of the person taking over.   As for the Elective part, the Council of Lords does not simply choose the Lords in the Council that aid the monarch, but also the monarch itself. Whenever a King or Queen dies or is otherwise incapable of ruling, their heir joins the Council and then the entire Council will have to decide on who becomes the new monarch. This decision needs to be made unanimously and required 15 out of 15 votes.

Great Houses and Small Houses

The United Kingdoms of Edhellon is often considered to be more complicated than other nations and a lot more bureaucratic. Ironically, however, it does have the simplest system of nobility, having only 4 tiers:  
  • Petty Lords: Petty Lords are basically all Lords that are not a member of one of the 13 Great Houses. All Petty Lords are a vassal of one of the Great Houses, and have little authority in comparison. They often rule over small regions or settlements.
  • Greater Lords: Greater Lords are all Lords that are a member of one of the 13 Great Houses. The Houses which are considered “Great” are the ones that hold a seat on the Council of Lords, meaning this is not a permanent title and can be lost, although it is very rare for changes to happen to the Council. There can never be more than 13 Great Houses, and for a House to be considered on the Council they require a significant existing powerbase as well as proven competence in one of the domains that the Council is responsible for.
  • Council Lords: Council Lords are the Lords and Ladies that seat in the Council. They are, along with the monarch, the rulers of the United Kingdoms of Edhellon, and hold much power.
  • King or Queen: The King or Queen is one of the 13 Lords on the Council that is the head of a Great House, who is chosen by the Council as the monarch. The King or Queen rules together with the Council of Lord, and is the most powerful individual in the United Kingdoms of Edhellon.
All Lords are simply called “Lord” or “Lady”, with no different titles for the different tiers. The only difference is that the head of a house will always be addressed with their last name, while all others are always addressed with their first name. Because of this rule the King or Queen is also addressed with their last name.   Edhellon also has the title of knight, which is granted to those that have achieved exceptional militaristic feats. The title often comes with a high rank in the army or navy. A knight is usually addressed as “Ser” or “Serra”, regardless of their status of nobility, the one exception being the King or Queen.


For most of history, the civilized mid-eastern part of the continent called “The Tear” was settled by hundreds of petty kingdoms. More often than not, these little nations existed out of little more than a one or two cities and a handful of surrounding towns and villages. Aptly named “The Independent Regions”, these settlements refused to be part of a great nation, and valued their independence over all else. These petty kingdoms, however, lacked much of the greater nations’ technological and cultural sophistication. Not only were they simply smaller, but they were also far too busy warring and plotting against each other to put much effort in other areas. They were so looked down upon by the other nations that for most of history, the Independent Regions were known as little backwater wannabe-nations that were constantly warring with each other, with even the largest and most advanced of these petty kingdoms being small, poorly built, badly maintained and incompetently managed in comparison to the average city in other nations such as the Empire of Evadrin and the Theocracy of Dorothel. Indeed, the Independent Regions were such an unthreatening and unimportant region that during its entire known history not a single one of the greater nations has ever bothered to wage war with one or more of its petty kingdoms, preferring to leaving them all fighting their immediate neighbours. While the greater nations grew and improved, the Independent Regions lagged behind, as its lords and kings cared too little to make any change.   During the dawn of the Fifth Age, however, this began to change. The Fifth Age began when Ehldaron at large came in contact with each other. Different great nations from different continents came together in an effort to leave the confusing Fourth Age behind. Instead of each nation having their own calendar and own ways to measure a year, a unified calendar was created. Additionally, scholars from Nations all over Ehldaron started working together, sharing knowledge in the hope of filling in the blanks of both history and a variety of scientific fields. Many nations prospered in the years following the start of the Fifth Age because of this. The Independent Regions, however, did not. Once more they lagged behind, preferring to stick to their own ways. The following years the boons if this cooperation between Nations on different continents became clear, limited as it may have been, and during the first century of the Fifth Age the first changes began to happen in the petty kingdoms. Slowly but surely, the Calendar of the Five Ages was taken over by most nations in the Independent Regions. Additionally, for the first time in its history, petty kingdoms began to look at each other for cooperation on a large scale, as they realised they could get more out of each other through alliances than through war. The dream of the nation of “The United Kingdoms” was born by commoners and nobility alike. Even scholars began to write books on the subject of how one big united nation would be far more beneficial for all of its inhabitants than so many little warring petty kingdoms. The first, and by far most prominent and famous of these scholars, was Sigbert Edhellon.   It would take more than a century, as well as a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but in the year 122 of the Fifth Age 13 great houses, together controlling more than four dozen of these formerly independent petty kingdoms, came together. They did this on what they called “The Assembly of Edhellon”, named of course after the scholar that wrote on the unification of the Independent Regions. On the Assembly, lead by Theobald of the Great House of Woodshearth, these 13 great houses came to an agreement and would create “The United Kingdoms of Edhellon”. While many petty kingdoms in the Independent Regions would stay independent, The United Kingdoms would quickly become a proper nation, one the other, proper, nations on “The Tear” would have to keep in mind from that point on.   In the centuries that followed the unification, Edhellon advanced at an astonishing rate on all different aspects. Leadership of the nation fell in hands of an influential but not all powerful monarch, aided by a council that consisted of the Lords of the Great Houses. Laws were written and reforms organised that made all lordships safer and more prosperous. Entire cities were rebuilt with advanced city planning and modern infrastructure, including hospitals, sewers, and dedicated districts that could easily be closed off in case of a disaster like a massive fire or disease outbreak that needs to be contained. While not as grand as the cities in the Empire of Evadrin or as aesthetically wondrous as the cities in the Theocracy of Dorothel, Edhellon’s cities became well organised and functional. Research and education, which were previously ignored by many became some of the most important pillars of society. The entire military was reformed to balance the power of the houses and the monarch so that none are able to become too dominant, and they also underwent a massive modernisation. All this was done with respect for the cultural differences between the different lordships, that were once their own petty kingdoms with their own culture and habits. To this day, the United Kingdoms of Edhellon are by far the most open and progressive nation on their continent. Ironic perhaps, considering only half a century ago they were the exact opposite.   However, this didn’t happen without any hiccups. The first decades of its existence especially were quite tumultuous, with many rebellions and protests occurring. Usually these were dealt with swiftly, however, two of the founding houses of the United Kingdoms of Edhellon, the House of Dunstan and the House of Magrath, were at the centre of a massive revolt to disband the United Kingdoms in the year 172 of the Fifth Age (on its 50th anniversary). This was an extremely bloody and destructive war that lasted for almost a decade. In the end the United Kingdoms won. The House of Magrath survived (and continues to exist to this day as a very minor House) although lost almost all of its power and resources. The House of Dunstan, along with many former petty kingdoms, weren’t so lucky. They were wiped away and destroyed completely on orders of King Hobart Woodshearth (grandson of the first King, Theobald Woodshearth and known as a very harsh ruler). From that point on, however, Edhellon would become far more peaceful, as most lords from generations that remembered their independence were dead or very old. Hiccups would still occur, but the diplomatic prowess of the Woodshearth Kings and Queens would be able to hold the nation together.   In recent history there has been the event known as “The Dismal March”, a massive invasion of monsters that marched from the Peninsula of Rifts to the Civilized world from the year 469 of the Fifth Age, until their defeat in the year 475 of the Fifth Age. The invasion mostly affected the southern nations, however, and the United Kingdoms of Edhellon never were in any real immediate danger. Nevertheless the nation took in many refugees that fled the south, and sent considerable military support to aid the alliance led by the “Legacy Shield” against the invasion.


The United Kingdoms of Edhellon are located on the Eastern coast of The Tear, slightly above the middle of the continent. Most of the terrain is flat, with the northern part of the nation being heavily forested while the southern part has more open plains. The area is extremely fertile, with many rivers and lakes. In the northern part of the nation also lies the massive “Everblue Basin”, an great lake known for its stunningly clean and blue water. The western part of the nation borders against the dangerous Frost Giant Mountains and is far more barren with many hills. The United Kingdoms have a temperate to cold climate, with the coastal region having the highest average temperature. The further West (and closer to the mountains) the colder it becomes. There is also much rain.   To the north of Edhellon there are giant uninhabited forests, until the region around Sally’s Lake, which is the Homeland of elves on The Tear. The elves are a very isolated people, and there is very little travel in this area leaving it mostly unexplored.   To the south lie the Independent Regions, whose geography is very similar to the United Kingdoms of Edhellon, albeit slightly warmer. Beneath these Independent Regions lie the Unsettled Plains, which is a large open area between the Theocracy of Dorothel (to the west), Ellorwis (to the south), the Dominion of Thone (to the east), and of course the independent regions themselves (to the north). These plains belong to no nation and as a result have little of interest, although there are a few small villages and towns that cater to the many travellers that move through this region.   To the West lies the northern part of the Frost Giant Mountains, a very dangerous and difficult to traverse mountain range settled by many different Frost Giant clans.   To the east lies the sea.
“United through cooperation, honour, and loyalty.”
National Territory
Around 3 million
Inhabitant Demonym
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