Ryher Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Protection

Ryher is believed to be the Deity with the most honour, as well as the one that most strongly upholds his own personal codes and beliefs. As the God of Protection, He is of the opinion that everyone deserves protection from any kind of harm, regardless of their decisions and actions made in their past, as long as they don’t intent to cause any more harm in the future. Ryher is often highly revered by the more peaceful nations, as well as by the soldiers that enlisted in the army because they wanted to protect their people. He is also widely popular by the common populace.   The God of Protection is known to be a close ally of the Goddess of Peace, Nalena, as they share the same goals. Icreas, the God of War, is one of his greatest enemies. However, Ryher is also known to dislike many of the other Gods, regardless of their alignment, because of their lust for war.     Beliefs and purpose   Ryher’s beliefs are very simple. He loathes needless violence and suffering, and is of the opinion that everyone should be able to live their lives without having to worry about others hurting them in any way. He has always been known as a beacon of hope for the innocents in the world, as Ryher and his followers vow to protect them. Even those who done evil in the past will be safe behind the God of Protection’s Shield, as long as they no longer have any intention of causing harm. That is the only requirement to be deserving of Ryher’s protection, to have pure intentions, to never cause any kind of pain and suffering upon others, and to never start fights, except for the sole reason to defend your or another’s safety. Should one betray the trust of Ryher or one of His followers, they will often find themselves far away from any kind of protection and allies, surrounded by their greatest enemies.   The fact that Ryher is willing to protect even former evildoers has resulted in him having a troubled relationship with Synia, Goddess of Justice, who felt that punishment was required for some of those souls. However, as Ryher only takes in those with good intentions, and not every being that suddenly has a change of heart and allegedly gives up their evil ways, there have never been big problems between the God of Protection and the Goddess of Justice. Nevertheless Ryher did not, and does not get along with many of the other Gods. Whether it is the likes of Celios and Lox or Khazar and Xelerak, whether good or evil, and whether lawful or chaotic, the honourable Deity despises almost all other Gods for their warlike tendencies. Although Ryher has a special hatred for Icreas, the God of War, who wages war simply for the sake of war. The God of Protection is allied only with the Goddess of peace, Nalena, although he is known to get along well with other Gods generally uninvolved in war as well, like Ehstas and Ysyn.     Followers   Ryher is often popular in more peaceful oriented nations. However, even in nations where war and expansionism is common, The God of Protection remains one of the more popular Deities for the common people, as it is often these commoners that end up suffering for the warlike tendencies of others. He is also one of the most commonly worshipped Deities by soldiers, along with, ironically, Icreas. This is because some soldiers join the army because they consider it their duty to protect their people, whereas others look for personal glory and seek to destroy their enemies. It is not uncommon for soldiers to worship both Ryher and Icreas equally, despite the fact that both Gods dislike one another immensely, but that one God is favoured in one situation over another. Other than tokens and symbols that can be found in many houses, as well as barracks of soldiers, temples of Ryher are common in the more peaceful nations. These temples often have some resemblance to fortresses of some kind, as they are built to serve as defensive buildings in case the local populace needs to be protected from some kind of attack.   During the Ancient Times Ryher and His followers worked closely together with the Goddess of Peace, Nalena, and Her followers. They did not control a big region of any kind, but instead had multiple smaller regions, often far away from the other nations, which were used as safe havens for those that were in danger. Over time these people could move to another nation, or stay within their small communities.   Currently faithful followers of Ryher are most common in the more peaceful oriented nations, although almost all nations have at least a few dedicated temples to Ryher. These followers are very helpful towards commoners, and are often found working together with local authorities to in order to help keep everyone as safe as possible. It’s also not unusual for followers of the God of Protection to leave their temple to roam the land, searching for other places where their skills can be used to help keep people safe. These brave men and women all strictly follow Ryher’s code of doing no harm and to only fight as a last resort, and they will never be seen helping the offensive side of a conflict. Despite their aversion to fighting, many followers of Ryher are excellent combatants, just like the God of Protection Himself.

Divine Domains

Protection (Forge, Life, Light)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sword breaking against a shield
Divine Classification
High God
Lawful Neutral

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