Lucian Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Magic

Two tales exist around the origins of Lucian, the God of Magic. The first of these tales says that Lucian has always been a God. He was the Deity that granted the beings on Ehladron the ability to use arcane magic and without him, this magic would become very difficult to use, or even disappear entirely. The second of these tales tells a very different story. It says that arcane magic has always existed on Ehldaron, but that Lucian was in fact one of the first to properly research and master the phenomenon. He taught the other beings on Ehldaron how to use magic as well, and eventually grew so powerful that he could use his magical abilities to ascend as a God, so he could continue teaching magic to others. Which of these tales is true, if either even is the truth, continues to be the subject of debate to this day. But one thing is certain, those who look for divine guidance in terms of magic look towards Lucian.   Many wizards, who often prefer the second of these stories, consider Lucian the epitome of what a magic user can achieve. They do not consider him a Deity that requires worshipping and daily prayer. Instead, Lucian is an example of their potential. Proof even for some, that arcane magic can be more powerful than divine magic, more powerful than the Gods.   Sorcerers born with magical abilities they cannot explain sometimes look at the God of Magic as the source of their power. Some thank Lucian for his blessing, others hate him for the curse he put upon them.     Beliefs and purpose   As the God of Magic Lucian represents magic itself. He is not, as some mistakenly believe, a protector of mages that watches over them for protection. Instead, he simply stands for the learning and the practice of arcane magic. Magic is not something that is inherently good or evil. Yes, some magic can be used to heal and protect, and yes, other magic can be used to cause pain and destruction, but that magic can be used by anyone, it does not make the magic itself good or evil. This neutral position towards magic is the core of Lucian’s beliefs. Magic is not good or evil, and anyone with enough interest and respect towards the subject has the freedom of learning it. This is why Lucian is often considered to be more of a teacher and a mentor than a God.   This attitude is most noticeable in “Lucian’s Great Tower”. Lucian’s Great Tower is a mage tower on “The Tear” Continent that stands over 1000 feet tall. This enormous tower was created by Lucian and his followers to train and study magic, many thousands of years ago. It has always been the place where many wizards of all varieties study, and everyone is welcome, whether they be “good” or “bad”. The tower and surrounding city are part of no kingdom and does not differ between those who to study there, whatever their goals. The study of magic is the only thing that matters and those that try to disturb this study in any way will be removed from the Tower and the city. Strict rules forbid anyone from interrupting another’s study, and while everyone has free access to every book that can be found in the public section, one is forbidden from taking books outside of the library. Whatever books you find and use here, you need to put them back in their proper place before you can leave. Some nations have ever tried to take over Lucian’s Great Tower by force in the past. However, when that happens almost all wizards in the tower, as well as all people that live in the surrounding city (many of whom also possess magical skills), fight back fiercely. All attempts to conquer the tower have failed so far.   Unfortunately Lucian’s great tower is not as filled with wizards as thousands of years ago and that is slowly taking its toll. The enormous tower is crumbling because of the lack of (magical) maintenance, and rumour has it the upper floors are made inaccessible because of the danger. Some fear that sooner or later this once magnificent tower may collapse. Until that day however, it will be one of the best places to study magic… and its secrets.   A perfectly functioning but slightly smaller replica of Lucian’s Great Tower has been built on the Nova Rex continent as part of the Jasparland kingdom. It is not nearly as welcoming as Lucian’s tower however, as only those that pass strict (and bias) selection tests are allowed entrance. True followers of Lucian despise this replica, as it goes against Lucian’s belief that everyone should be allowed to study magic if they so desire.     Followers   Lucian differs from most other Gods because he does not require any kind of worshipping. The study of arcane magic in and of itself is all that he desires, and simply doing that is considered to be a form of worshipping. As the God of Magic, Lucian is, of course, most commonly the main Deity of practitioners of Arcane Magic. Most wizards and other researchers of Arcane Magic that worship Lucian do consider The God of Magic to be more a teacher than an actual God.   This does not mean however that there are no priests or clerics of Lucian however. There are those that worship Lucian faithfully and in turn receive some abilities from him. While they are certainly not wizards, these clerics often possess a unique combination of Arcane and Divine magic, and very often that brings them unique perspectives. While many of these clerics can be found in Lucian’s Great Tower, most nations have at least a few places where there are temples of Lucian and accompanying clerics, although they are quite rare.   In the debate whether Lucian arrived as a God, or used magic to Ascend to become a God, it’s often the clergy and divine spellcasters that support the argument that Lucian has always been a God. Wizards often support the other argument that says Lucian used magic to become a God. The reason for this is of course that many clerics and priests believe that everything comes from the Gods themselves, even arcane magic, and that nothing can become greater than the Gods. Wizards on the other hand do not always agree with magic being a construct from the Gods. They also tend to believe that Arcane Magic can be far more powerful that Divine magic, and that it can ever be more powerful than the Gods themselves.

Divine Domains

Magic (Knowledge, Arcana)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

3 magic missiles
Divine Classification
High God

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