Lox Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Order

Known as a great ruler and an excellent Fighter, Lox, God of Order, stands vigil against what he believes to be the most dangerous force in the universe: chaos. As a High God he is considered to be amongst most powerful Deities in Ehldaron’s Pantheon, and he is believed to have played a major role in the God Wars.     Beliefs and purpose   Lox sees order as the ultimate goal. His idea is that in order for a society to achieve both its maximum efficiency but also its maximum happiness, a strict and clear organisation of that society is required. Going in against that order is selfish and destructive for others. Lox fights for and to maintain order, and he despises the chaotic beings that try to undermine it, including other otherwise Good Alligned Deities, although he is (begrudgingly) willing to work together with the Deities in the Caretakers Circle. Lox does believe that order should be used to achieve the best for both society and its inhabitants, and he also hates those that pervert his aspect for personal gain, like the God of Tyranny Khazar. Many of Lox’s ideas are written down in the Codex Mandatum.   One of the most important allies of Lox has always been Celios. While both Gods are allegedly close allies, Lox and Celios do differ on quite a few aspects, and are not always on as good of terms as one would expect. For starters, Order is for Lox the endgame, it is what he strives to achieve, as he believes it will make the world a better place. Celios however sees order as a requirement for him being able to rule both the Gods and mortals properly, as that is what he feels is required to achieve his own goals: peace, and an end to darkness. Order is a tool required to reach and maintain these goals, but not the goal itself. Celios also sees himself as the figure above all the others. It is his will that should be law, and this leads him to sometimes disregard the accepted order and raplace it with his own ideas. This especially is an issue between the two Deities.     Followers   Lox’s popularity is very dependent on both the nation and the local rulers of a region. While most nations do believe order is an important aspect (as of course the leaders require order to be able to rule properly), certainly not all of them believe in it as strongly as described by Lox in the Codex Mandatum. And then there are a few outliers that disregard any kind of order entirely. One well known example of a nation that believes very strongly in Order is the Empire of Evadrin, where Lox is nationwide the most popular and worshipped Deity.   The amount of dedicated temples of Lox vary from nation to nation, depending on the God’s popularity, usually the God of Order can at least be worshipped in general temples representing many Gods. Temples of Lox are clean and functional, although a few temples, especially in the Empire of Evadrin, can be huge as well.   Followers of Lox will always try to pursue order, and can often be found helping a nation and its rulers, city guards, or the army.

Divine Domains

Order (Order, Tempest, War)

Holy Books & Codes

Codex Mandatum

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Full helm with angelic wings to the side
Divine Classification
High God
Lawful Good

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