Khazar Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Tyranny

As the God of Tyranny, Khazar is an extremely authoritarian Deity that beliefs that all mortal and Deities should either bow down before him, or die. Not unlike Celios, Khazar is of the opinion that Ehldaron requires a firm ruler. And not unlike Lox, Khazar believes in a strong hierarchical order. However, unlike Celios and Lox who consider their beliefs necessary to protect mortals, Khazar sees mortals as nothing more than tools that should help him shape the world in his image.     Beliefs and Purpose   It is said that when Khazar looks at Ehldaron, he sees a horribly imperfect world where many people do their own thing without properly thinking about the future. He considers the world to be chaotic in nature. Different nations have their own rules, all wanting to do their own thing, sometimes working together, sometimes fighting each other. Individuals are selfish and lazy, and with their free will they will never achieve anything close to greatness.   Under his control, Khazar could make a perfect world. One where everything runs like clockwork. A world united under one banner. A world of unquestionable loyalty, with a very strict hierarchical order where the lesser subjects follow the greater subjects their commands to the letter. On the very top the God of Tyranny himself would be of course, an Overlord towering far above all the rest, the ultimate ruler. A world in Khazar’s image should be created: A grand empire that spreads over all the realms, with everything and everyone being under his command.   The God of Tyranny freely admits that this is not pleasant for mortals, but mortals are only just that: mortal. Khazar finds that they should spend their time elevating the greatness of himself. After all, under his rule, mortals could be part of the greatest empire in existence. As the other Gods all have their own interest with the world and the mortals, they are all enemies that either have to submit or die.     Khazar and devils   Khazar and the devils are similar in many aspects, however, Khazar was known to not be a fan of the incredibly bureaucratic society of the 9 hells, as he believes there shouldn’t be any rules applied to the Overlord that rules everything. Nevertheless, the devils and Khazar have often had similar interests, and on occasion have worked together. During the God Wars it was common for devils to join Khazar’s ranks, although it wasn’t easy for both sides to work together.   During the day of the God Wars Khazar was even considered to be powerful enough to possible take over the 9 hells (although the conflict would probably result in demons gaining a large advantage, which may be the reason why Khazar never tried to take over the 9 hells). However, ever since the banishment of the Gods most agree that Khazar has lost too much power to still be a threat to the devils.     Followers   During the ancient times Khazar had 2 kinds of followers. The first were people within the Empire of Kazar or from conquered regions that were given the choice to either submit and live, or die a horrible and painful death. These were people that had little choice in following Khazar, yet they formed the bulk of Khazar’s forces as he made it no secret that refusing servitude would result in an excruciatingly painful and long fate.   The second, and much smaller group, were the loyalists that were swayed by Khazar’s beliefs. They were deople that believed in Khazar’s vision of the world, and that everyone would be far better off serving him. While this group was much smaller than the first group of followers, it was still of a significant size. Many of these loyalists would serve as the officers in Khazar’s armies, leading and keeping a very close eye on the followers from the first group whom they considered nothing more than meatshields and tools. Loyalists that had proven themselves would be granted greater power, and could rise in the hierarchy of The God of Tyranny’s empire.   Currently however, Khazar’s once great empire has all but disappeared, and few followers remain. Almost everywhere the worshipping of Khazar if forbidden so the followers that remain often gather in small cults and stay secret, as they would likely be killed if ever discovered. By subterfuge and manipulation they try to spread the glory of the Overlord once more.   There are also a few small despots and tyrants that openly come out to be followers of Khazar, although few of them have any significant power.

Divine Domains

Tyranny (War, Tempest)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hand crushing a rock
Divine Classification
High God
Lawful Evil

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