Icreas Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of War

As the God of War, Icreas is known as the best warrior of the Gods. He revels in battle, and believes war and conflict makes people and civilizations stronger. He dislikes, and is severely disliked by, Nalena, the Goddess of peace, and Ryher, the God of protection. He also hated the Goddess of Justice, Synia, immensely, as she forced peace upon the world.   Icreas is also known to be the father of the Demigod of Victory: Deseus.     Beliefs and Purpose   To Icreas war and battle isn’t just something he’s good at or enjoys, it’s a way of life. Icreas believes that the strong should root out the weak, as this is the only way a society, and the world, can grow stronger and progress. Conflict and war aren’t just an end, but they are a means to grow.   Within a society, everybody should learn how to fight. The strongest warrior should rule, and the lesser warriors should have unquestionable obedience. However, that strongest warrior should also never reject an opponent that challenges them for their position. Icreas of course didn’t just consider him the strongest warrior of his own people, but also of all the Gods. To him, the God Wars served as a way to take control over the entirety of Ehldaron. Unlike what many seem to think, this doesn’t mean Icreas was simply a blunt fighter. According to him, good warriors plan their battles and thinks of a strategy instead of just charging at an enemy. Icreas’ intellect was often shown when his massive armies used clever tactics to fight many different opponents at once, and they were often fairly successful at this, although the toll was high on all sides. Many Gods wanted to get Icreas on their side, and while occasional alliances existed, they never lasted long. Most of them were only ever created because the God of War didn’t want to waste time fighting opponents he didn’t consider worthy of fighting and subjugation in his empire, rather than as a way to fight together against a common foe.   Icreas is also known to be incredibly manipulative, as he often tries to spark battles or all out wars to make nations fight each other.   During the god wars Icreas proved a dangerous force to be reckoned with, often requiring many Gods to work together to be able to stop his armies. It took a combined effort of many Gods to hold him in check. When Synia forced peace upon the world, Icreas was furious. Despite his best efforts however, he was never able to break Synia’s Edict, or spark a significant kind of war. This caused Icreas’ empire to turn on itself, as the only people they could fight were their own. Icreas’ power quickly weakened and it is described that during the period just before Synia’s and Ahlecto’s murder and the banishment of the Gods, the God of War was but a former shell of himself, his empire all but destroyed.   In the current day Icreas is revered by many warriors that see him as the epitome of what they could be. Most soldiers in almost every army in any nation will pray to Icreas before a battle and hope they prove worthy enough so that the God of War grants part of his strength to them. This means it is very normal for 2 armies that fight each other to both be worshipping Icreas, which is probably exactly how the God of War likes it.     Followers   Icreas is worshipped by warriors of all kinds, no matter the nation they come from, no matter their goal. Many pray to Icreas before battle, hoping that they have proven worthy enough to receive his blessing. Temples of Icreas are common in every nation that is not fully dedicated to peace.   Priests, Clerics, and Paladins of Icreas revere war and conquest, and they follow the belief that conflict and battle makes a civilization strong. Many of them are skilled and deadly warriors themselves. They can often be found working with armies, or supporting guardsmen in criminal infested cities.

Divine Domains

War (War, Forge)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Upright flaming sword
Divine Classification
High God

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