Dysder Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Knowledge and Writing

  Dysder is the God of Knowledge and Writing and is powerful enough to be considered a High God. He is one of the most worshipped deities on Ehldaron, with temples and even entire cities being dedicated to him. Most libraries also honour Dysder in some way, and he serves as an example for many scholars. Dysder focuses mostly on the sharing and passing on of knowledge, although the gathering of knowledge is also an important aspect of him.     Beliefs and Purpose   While Dysder is known for having a far more nuanced and neutral disposition on many issues than most Gods, he is still considered to be Good Aligned and part of Celios’ faction. Dysder simply wants to give mortals knowledge and teach them a variety of skills that they in turn can use to grow. While he gives no specific instructions of how one should ‘grow’, there are things that Dysder does not tolerate.   For starters, Dysder (and his followers) hate it when an individual or a nation tries to suppress the spreading of knowledge to individuals. This is something that many evil aligned deities practice according to Dysder, and is part of the reason why he is working with Celios.   Additionally, Dysder finds that Knowledge should be used for growth, and while the God does not enjoy battles or wars, he does realise they are unavoidable. However, there are limits to what one is allowed to do according to him. Unnecessarily destroying too much land and/or buildings or killing innocents are examples of things Dysder does not tolerate. Using knowledge for these ends is considered to be a perversion of it, as the knowledge Dysder was so kind to share is being abused to achieve horrible goals. This too is something Dysder accuses many evil aligned deities to do, and this too is a reason as to why he started working together with Celios during the God Wars.   Despite the fact that Dysder worked together with Celios, he differs with him and quite a few other good aligned Gods on many issues. Dysder only saw himself as someone that just granted knowledge to mortals, nothing more. He did not consider himself a ruler and in fact found that mortals have to grow themselves, not by guidance of Deities. This is of course different from Celios, who finds that Gods should rule the mortals. More precisely, he considers himself one of the few Deities with both the strength and integrity to rule. It is only the atrocities of the evil Gods that made the unlikely alliance between them possible, as Dysder considered the good aligned deities less bad than the evil ones.   Dysder did not have problems with all Gods within Celios’ faction however. Since he is generally calm, patient, and likes to consider all sides of a story, Dysder easily got along with like minded Gods such as Ahdah.     Followers   Dysder is commonly worshipped by everyone, as both commoners, merchants, artisans, and nobles have things to thank him for. Most people have a token of Dysder somewhere in their house or thank him in a temple. Statues and other representations of Dysder can be found in most general temples as well as temples dedicated to him.   More dedicated followers of Dysder are often people working on the gathering and spreading of knowledge, the protection of knowledge, or both.   Many scholars and lecturers are some of those dedicated followers. Following Dysder’s example, they try to be as objective as possible when researching something or trying to solve a problem. They write down their processes extensively and use a system of peer reviewing before they publish their works. Scholars and lecturers of particular esteem, because of their research or other related accomplishments, can be granted the title of “Sage of Dysder”. The title comes with a lot of respect as well as access to the restricted area’s in the libraries of Dysder.   In addition to these scholars and lecturers there are also dedicated Knights of Dysder whose purpose it is to protect the major libraries, dedicated cities, and everyone within them. All knights of Dysder are also some kind of researcher, and often split their time between doing research and offering protection.   Clerics of Dysder are common as well, and like the Knights they are often both researching and spreading knowledge as well as work to protect it.   Most nations have one if not more cities dedicated to learning and scholarly, and very often Dysder is the main Deity worshipped in these places. These cities always contain at least 1 massive library, and occasionally have a university present as well. In cities like these Knights, Sages, and Clerics of Dysder are very present, and often take over the roles of the officials in that city. The mayor is often the High Sage, the Knights of Dysder serve as the guards of that entire city, etc.   Many dedicated followers of Dysder end up moving to one of these cities, if possible.

Divine Domains

Writing and Knowledge (Knowledge)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Empty Scroll
Divine Classification
High God
Neutral Good

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