Celios Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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God of Summer and Light

One of the 4 seasonal Gods and among the most commonly worshipped Deities on Ehldaron, Celios, God of Summer and Light, rules along with Ahdah, goddess of Wisdom and creation, the biggest faction of Gods, “The Circle of Caretakers”. Celios was one of the figureheads of the God Wars in the ancient world and to this day remains one of the most powerful and influential deities.

Celios sees himself and the other Gods of his faction as the only deities with the wisdom, power, and correct ideals to guide the mortals of Ehldaron. Just like the season he represents Celios can be kind and pleasant, but also harsh and devastating. If one does as is expected, then Celios will be there to protect and help them. However, if one goes against his way, defies him, or otherwise offends him, the God of Summer and Light is known to lash out, with possibly devastating consequences. While he is on the same side as Ahdah, Celios is far more stern and demanding than her, which often creates tension between the 2 of them and the other Gods in their faction.

Despite the demanding nature of Celios, many still worship him as he is seen as the father figure of the good Gods. Other, more critical thinkers of faith claim however that many simply worship Celios out of fear of what will happen when they don’t.
  Beliefs and Purpose  
The Codex of Celios describes how one leads a virtuous life. The different tenants aren’t all too surprising. “One shall not steal”, “one shall not cheat”, “one shall not harm another”, et cetera. Most of Celios’ beliefs are very common among the good aligned deities. Where Celios differs from most other Good Aligned Deities however, is his incredible sternness and vindictiveness.

Celios is not simply considered to be the father figure of the good aligned Gods, it is also how he sees himself: A powerful deity that with the help of other Gods will guide the mortals on Ehldaron. As one of the seasonal lords few other high Gods match his power, the only exception being the other seasonal Gods and Ahdah, and because of this he sees himself fit to rule the Pantheon. And one has to respect the father. If one does not they shall be punished.

Celios is also the God of light, and because of that he also considers himself the vanquisher of darkness. Any kind of evil is something Celios will oppose and fight until it is completely and utterly destroyed. This is an extremely aggressive attitude that got him in conflict with many of the other Good Aligned Gods, including Ahdah, but there were always more that followed his decisions that those who did not.
There are few places where Celios isn’t worshipped. His temples are, along With Ahdah’s, the most common ones, and there are many priests and Clerics of Celios. Most common households will also have tokens of him for praying.

Priests and Clerics of Celios can be very diverse. Some focus on the kind aspect of him. Healers that work in temples to help people, guide them, give advice. Others however focus on Celios’ harsh side. They are crusaders that will spread the light of Celios, and fight everything that stands opposed to him.

Divine Domains

Summer and Light (Light, Life, Order)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

High noon sun with sunrays going down
Divine Classification
High God
Lawful Good

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