Ahdah Character in Ehldaron | World Anvil
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Goddess of Wisdom and Creation

One of the most powerful, well known, and worshipped of the Gods is Ahdah, goddess of wisdom and creation, often called “The Mother”. While Ehldaron itself is not created by Ahdah, as it existed before she arrived, she is considered to be the creator of multiple races (most notably the humans) as well as their main guide throughout the ages.

Ahdah, along with Celios, created the biggest faction of Gods, often called “The Circle Caretakers”, which exists out of mostly good aligned Deities. In the faction Ahdah’s kindness and forgiveness is supposed to balance out Celios’ sternness and vindictiveness.
  Beliefs and Purpose  
Ahdah is kind and caring, like a mother for her children. The goddess considers all living beings her children. She cares and wants the best for all of them. Unfortunately for her, many of her creations seem to fight with each other. In the ancient world, a significant number even fought against her. While she will do whatever she can to protect all beings, she does recognize the need for interventions against the warped and fallen. For Ahdah fighting will always be a last resort however, as nobody is beyond redemption.

Ahdah is also known for her willingness to give advice to those who ask it. As “the mother” that has guided different races for thousands of years she is after all believed to be one of the wisest beings alive.
Ahdah is one of the most popular Gods to exist and by consequence she has one of the largest amount of followers of any God. Most common households worship Ahdah and often have a small token or symbol of her that they use for prayer.

Priests and Clerics of Ahdah are among the most common and can be found in almost every city. All of these priests and clerics have to take vows that they will do everything in their power to help all living beings, and that they will never do harm. Even in the most dire of situations where fighting is inevitable, killing should always be avoided.

The priests and clerics spend their time giving guidance to those who ask, take care of the poor and unfortunate, and heal the wounded. Some of them serve as advisors to nobles or dedicated medics in armies.

Divine Domains

Wisdom and Creation (Life, Knowledge, Grave, Arcana)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

2 hands channelling divine magic
Divine Classification
High God
Neutral Good

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