The Godwood Geographic Location in Efnijord | World Anvil
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The Godwood

She stood low noting the thick dew upon the blades of grass at her feet. The forest thick, dark and wild before her. She knew it to be the Godwood, a land forbidden to outsiders. Ashtana cared not, the secrets of this land were hers to claim, and she stood high and began her trek deeper within the thick groves of the Ald'arei.   Little did Ashtana know eyes were already set upon her long before she neared the border of the forest.   One owner of these eyes stood not far from her, above Ashtana in the tall pine trees above her. This one starred down at Ashtana; a drawn arrow between them. "This girl is not that different from me" she wondered. "But she knows the law, she knows of the Demesne Concordant". A moment paused. The arrow found it's mark.


The Godwood is covered in massive pine trees that reach up appearing to support the sky above. The trees grow thick and close together creating a sense of claustrophobia even when there are no walls around. The underbrush creates tight pockets of danger where poisonous, or deadly carnivorous plants impede travel. The land is riddled with water streams that run through it like veins of the earth, carrying crystal clear cool waters throughout the land. Around the massive forest is the chain of mountains known as the Elder Range that surrounds and protects nearly all of the Godwood allowing few other ways into the land. Few places in all of Aeroloth share its' pure beauty. Untouched land where nature runs free to do as it pleases.

Fauna & Flora

You will find most typical animals and plants within the mountainous walls of the Godwood, all living the cycle of natural life, as prey and predator. The Godwood is home to many a creature and many a plant that are far from ordinary however; from owlbears, to mighty dragons, none amaze more than a species of sentient plants that call the Godwood home. These people are known as the Silva and rarely leave their homelands in the Godwood, and protect it fiercely with the aid of the Ald'arei Elves who also inhabit the land.

Natural Resources

The Godwood is a treasure of natural resources, full of wood for building, animals for hunting, water for drinking and fishing. But none may collect its' bounty, for it all belongs to the wild beasts and the Ald'arei and their allies. The most incredible resource of the Godwood however is Ironbark and Steelwood. Two amazing materials gifted from the Mother Tree. Ironbark is hard as any metal and to anyone in tune with nature could tell you it is very much alive and able to be manipulated into forms of armor, or weapons. Steelwood is impossibly flexible though it takes great force to bend it. No material known can make a better bow should one have the strength to draw its' string and no arrow loosed flies as fast or hits as hard as an arrow loosed from a Steelwood bow.
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