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In a world where the human race is extinct for several hundreds of years, nature, magic and the animal kingdom have taken over the world of Ediriae by storm.   For unknown reasons several species of animals have begun to evolve rapidly, altering their physical size and appearance and increasing their intelligence levels and also changing the way they interact with each other and the world around them. Some species have formed clans, alliances or fully fledged kingdoms or empires complete with trade, religion and sometimes even strong military power.   Many species see this rapid evolving of their kind as a gift from the God(s), refering to it as "Receiving of the First Breath". Most species see this as a chance to build a better world for themselves and other creatures. On the other hand, there are those who see this increase in power as a great start to expand their territory, influence and personal gains in a way that was never possible before. In the shadows there are a lot of sinister plans taking form. The once so peacefull world of Ediriae might be in dire need of heroes!