Farlhu Settlement in Edge of the Empire | World Anvil
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Farlhu is located on the Farrfin planet as one of the three capitals. This city is located near a popular beach funded by other core world tourists. After the destruction of the Death Star, this city became heavily restricted by Imperial presence. Stormtroopers provide security in the starports, hover tanks roam the city streets, and imperial agents have cracked down on some of the illegal activity. There's no telling what the fate of the city will be, but the Farghul's have yet to relent on their organized crime.


Perhaps unexpected, the Farghul of this city remain free from imperial enslavement with the majority of the population consisting of them. It is rare to see other aliens living here, as the constant schemes and pressure from the feline-like species keeps them out.   Wealth is distributed based on the individual gang. Their profession varies between districts, which are composed on several scales: Poor, average, and high wealth. It's common to see in compliment criminal organizations in the poor district, while the other districts tend to compromise with the government in some way.   The poor district is found on the outer portion of the city towards the jungle, while the richer districts are found closer to the beach and spaceports. The most common professions for high wealth tends to be smuggling or trading, while crimes like exortion or kidnapping falls in the poorest districts.


Occupied under the Empire, the city still strives to operate as a criminal organization. The criminal organization watches over the other gangs to ensure safety for the people. Outright killing or creating chaos is frowned upon, and sometimes punishable, while crimes such as smuggling and trading are encouraged. With the criminal government, law enforcement is in the form of private security that are assigned to individual farghuls.


Excluding the Empire as a defense, the organized crime has hired private security to defend themselves from invasion. To protect the city from the jungle, tall walls have been built with heavy defenses on the top. The wall is protected at all times by Farghuls and humans.   Open carry used to be permitted until the Empire showed up, now the Farghuls are left with hidden pistols. It should be assumed that anyone is armed to keep themselves safe.

Industry & Trade

Tourism helps fund the city with various entertainment activities: Gambling, sight seeing, and expensive hotels. Underlining this is a heavy business of smuggling spices and expensive, rare ship parts to other core worlds. Places like Corellia heavily invest on the Farghul's ability to travel across the galaxy without Imperial problems.


Farlhu adopts a cultural style like other human cities in the core worlds: Tall skyscrapers with very little vegetation within the city. Water purifiers occupy a small portion of the beach to supply the town with fresh water. The electricity comes from large factories built in the poorest districts to keep the pollution away from the tourist sections.   Air travel is forbidden over the city, leaving the only transportation from planned roads throughout the city.

Guilds and Factions

  • Blacksun has a strong presence within this city as a second eye for the Empire. The government and the Blacksun have frequent problems with each other.
  • The Samar Family


  • Map of Farlhu
Large city
3.5 billion
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