Droids Species in Edge of Empire | World Anvil
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Droids, less commonly known as robots and automatons, were mechanical beings that possessed artificial intelligence. They were used in a variety of roles and environments, often those considered too menial or too dangerous for other species, but also in fields that required extensive specialization and knowledge.  

First class droids

The first class was made up of droids skilled in mathematical, physical, and medical sciences. Examples included the JN-66 analysis droid, the 2-1B surgical droid, the midwife droid, the DD-13 tripedal medical droid, and the GH-7 medical droid.  

Second class droids

Droids of the second class were skilled in engineering and technical sciences. Examples included the DUM-series pit droid, the PLNK-series power droid, and the WED-15 Septoid Treadwell.  

Third class droids

Third class droids were skilled in social sciences and service functions. Examples included the CZ secretary droid, the LEP servant droid, the FA-5 valet droid, and the BD-3000 luxury droid.  

Fourth class droids

Droids of the fourth class were skilled in military and security functions. Examples included the Guardian police droid, the KX-series security droid, and the B1 battle droid.  

Fifth class droids

Fifth class droids were programmed for menial labor and intensive jobs that did not require a high level of intelligence. Examples included the GNK-series power droid, the MSE-6 series repair droid, the IW-37 pincer loader droid, the R-H029 sifter droid, the PK-series worker droid, and the UX-53 Autopolisher MK.II.

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