Edar The Gu'Tanoth Invade Og Heim
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The Gu'Tanoth Invade Og Heim

Military action


On the brink of starvation the secret orcish society of Gu'Tanoth act drastically in order to save their people.

Shortly after arriving in Seif, the orcish population came to realize that the food in Seif was not high enough in protein to support them. Nor was there enough fauna to hunt to support them either. They became incredibly malnourished and after selling their possessions to buy food, they became terribly poor as well.   The Council of Seif tried to fix this issue by building a large iron fence around the Orcish district of Seif. Hoping that the starvation would be contained and not spread to the other peoples.   Dissatisfied with this solution, 75% of the orcs left Seif. Taking with them 90% of the town's guard. They reassembled themselves in the wood before coming up with a solution. They realized that the Giants of Og Heim needed far more food than them and yet they were surviving. They decided that they would take over Og Heim and use their food source for themselves.   On the 13th of Drazzat 607, the orcish force invaded Og Heim. Although surprised, for the most part the giants managed to hold back the main force. However a small skirmish passed through, breaking into the giants' nursery. Holding the giant children as hostages, Chief Brontes Og surrendered the tribe.   Enslaved, the Giants now spend their days hunting for the orcs. Occasionally pillaging Storm Port and Seif for half-humans and taking them as food as well.

Related Location
Og Heim
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