Aundair Organization in Eberron | World Anvil
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Aundair is one of the five nations of the original Kingdom of Galifar. Although much of its western forest territory has now become the Eldeen Reaches, Aundair still possesses beautiful swaths of fertile fields that supply the nations of Khorvaire with food and fine wines, while large institutions of higher learning output scholars and knowledge.

Demography and Population

  • Humans 51%
  • Half-elves 16%
  • Elves 11%
  • Gnomes 11%
  • Halflings 5%
  • Shifter 3%
  • Changelings 2%Other 1%


Much of Aundair's boundaries are marked by natural geographical features. The Wynarn River and Lake Galifar in the west, the Blackcaps to the south, the Eldeen Bay in the north, and Scions Sound and Aundair River in the northwest. The only border not so demarcated is that between Aundair and Thrane, its neighbor to the east. Breland sits to the south and the newly formed Eldeen Reaches borders the west. The lightning rail passes through the larger cities of Passage and Fairhaven while House Orien roadways network through to smaller cities and westward to the Eldeen Reaches.

Thaliost, Aundair's former capital and the cradle of its culture was occupied by Thrane in The Last War. Much to the displeasure of Aundairian people, the Treaty of Thronehold left it in Thrane's possession.


Bolstered by the magical might of the Arcane Congress, the military forces of Aundair are far more than a ragtag militia of farmers. The common troops are better trained—and far more determined—than their enemies usually give them credit for. Put together, the Knights Arcane and the diehard foot soldiers of Aundair remain a significant military force to be reckoned with.

Aundairians are prone to claim that they would never have given up fighting the war had it not been for the Treaty of Thronehold, asserting that the war would certainly have been theirs by virtue of grim determination if nothing else. “Queen Aurala may have surrendered,” they are apt to say, “but my neighbors and I would have fought to the death to defend our lands.”

Indeed, none of the Five Nations seems as eager to reawaken the war as Aundair. The loss of the Thaliost region to Thrane remains a bitter blow, and many Aundairians long to see the nation reclaim what they see as rightly theirs.

Foreign Relations

Aundair and Thrane were bitter rivals during the Last War. Thrane seized the ancient city of Thaliost during the war and holds it to this day. Most of the people of Aundair remain furious about the occupation of Thali­ost, but the city has become a haven for Aundairians who revere the Silver Flame.

The Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair halfway through the Last War. The western farmers rebelled over high taxes and neglect, allying with the druids of the Towering Wood. Aundair was forced to accept the sovereignty of the Reaches under the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold, but many Aundairians view it as a rene­gade nation.


Arcanix is the most prestigious academy of magic in Khorvaire. Most of its sages specialize in ritual magic and abstract theory, and don't have the full powers of wizards.

Aundarians are famous for their particular skill in the arcane arts.
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Major Exports
Cheese, education, fashion, grains, wine, wizardry
Neighboring Nations

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