Houserules in Eberron | World Anvil
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The golden rule

This is a game of make-believe, and the rules may change as the situation demands.  

General House Rules

Low-Light Vision

Anything with 60ft or less Darkvision, instead has Low-Light vision. Which has unlimited range but only functions in Low-Light, rather than darkness.  


You may carry items up to your strength score. Item weight is determined as follows:
Weight (lbs) Points
1 0
2-6 .5
7-20 1
20-40 2

Magic is Failing

Rules TBC; low level magic unaffected. Mostly DM fiat (sorry)  


When a creature is at half it's hit points or less, it is bloodied. This condition is announced and clear to all characters. Some monsters and effects may trigger on bloodied or against bloodied foes.  

HP at level up

At level up roll 2 d half hit dice size (eg, 2d6 for a d12; 2d4 for d8)  

Traps & 'Click'

When a trap or similar is triggered, the trigger will be announced and players will be given an opportunity to describe how their character reacts (ie. dodge to the side, jump, drop prone, raise their shield to head height) which will affect the DEX or equivalent saving throw.  



When a creature makes a melee attack, it may use its bonus action to mark the target. The target is marked until the start of the creature's next turn. While marked, any attack made that doesn't target the marker, will incur an opportunity attack.
A creature may only be marked by a single target at a time, any future marks override any older marks.  


If a creature has two foes on opposing sides to it, it is flanked. The flankers may crit with an attack roll of a 19 on attacks against the target.  

Standing Up

Standing up costs 20 ft of movement (if a creature has less than 20ft of movement, it can stand up for all of its movement)  

Skill checks in combat

Skill checks during combat are free to attempt, but may require your action or bonus action at the DM's discretion, should you succeed.  

Drinking a Potion

You may drink a potion as a bonus action, it costs a full action to administer a potion to someone else.  



Your speed is halfved.


Your attacks deal half damage


You only get a single action or movement. You may not take any reactions


You are dazed, and your single action is determined by the dominating creature

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