Gnome Species in Eberron | World Anvil
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Gnomes are one of the smaller humanoid races, and are not native to Eberron. They are naturally inquisitive, and playful. Perhaps related to their original stories on Thelanis, they thirst for knowledge in all of it's forms, and they have a love for secrets.   They originated on Thelanis, similar to the Elves and the Eladrin, and at some point in the last several thousand years they emigrated to Eberron through the feyspires. They primarily occupied the region that is now known as Zilargo, and they were already present here when the ancient Goblinoid's that would later become the Dhakaani empire emerged from Khyber.   These ancient gnomes clashed with the Dhakaani, who thought them a particularly large and hideous species of rat. The Dhakaani conquered them, but found that conquest was easier than occupation, and the tricky gnomes eventually made holding their lands too difficult to be worth the effort. As gnome society grew, they formed into several clans which later banded together to form three independent city-states: Trolanport, Korranberg, and Zolanberg.   The gnomes spread out, and became the first seafaring race on Khorvaire. When the early humans came from Sarlona, the Gnomes offered them the hand of friendship and helped them to adapt to their new environment. The Gnomes of Zilargo claim that it was them who helped spread the humans language, eventually forming the Common language that is spoken all over Khorvaire today.   2,800 years ago, the gnomes of House Sivis became the third race to manifest a dragonmark, and the Sivis clan would be the first to create what we would now see as a dragonmarked house. They gathered together the bloodlines that manfiested the mark and formed one larger family, who then reached out to the other dragonmarked races and formed the houses as we know them today.   When the Five Nations began attempting to conquer their neighbours and consolidate territory, the independent city states of Trolanport, Korranberg and Zolanberg banded together and declared that they were now one unified nation: Zilargo, or "Home of the Wise" in gnomish. Together, they formed a Triumvirate government, with representatives from each city state.
300 Years
Average Height
3'4" - 3'8"

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