Monastery of the Distressed Flesh Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Monastery of the Distressed Flesh

Deep in the Star Peaks, west of Thaliost, the Monastery of the Distressed Flesh occupies an abandoned planar craft hovering in the middle of a gigantic crater. Originally, the gnome inventor Kwalish discovered the existence of the craft when searching for new technology to fuel his research. The planar gate housed in the bridge (now known as the Central Abbey) let loose a bone devil, who destroyed or drove off the inhabitants of the ship, including Kwalish, and founded the monastery with himself as the Grand Master.


Grand Master or Mistress is sole executive leader


The only way on or off of the floating island is a ferry helmed by a merrenoloth. The main dock for the ferry on the mainland is the Temple of the Sphinx, who guards that entrance.


Mechano-magical technology adapted from the planar craft fuels all the needs of the residents and prisoners.


The treasury is actually the former laboratory of Kwalish and houses all the possessions of monks who reside there, as well as any of his surviving inventions or plans.

Guilds and Factions

Monks of the Flayed Hand, servants of the Mockery
Military, Base
about 200 monks and prisoner laborers
Inhabitant Demonym
Monks of the Flayed Hand
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Secondary)

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