Astral Plane Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is a great silvery sea, sometimes describes as a starry sky behind the starry sky of the world. Travel throughout the plane is at the speed of thought. The planes float throughout the Astral Plane, and the Astral Plane serves as the conduit for summoners when they wish to summon extraplanar creatures. Unknown to most, the Astral Plane does indeed have a border, a boundary of utter darkness called the Outer Darkness. Some believe the Dark Six are trapped beyond the Outer Darkness. No mortal has traveled beyond the Astral Plane, though.

The various planes of Eberron all travel within the Astral Plane. All the major planes of Eberron orbit Eberron, which sits at an intersection of the Astral Plane and the Ethereal Plane. The Astral Plane touches all the planes, and serves as a means to travel between those planes.

Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane

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