Salvation Settlement in Eberron (Federation of Adventurers) | World Anvil
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An outpost called SALVATION has sprung up in the nation of BRELAND on the fringe of the Mournland. Salvation is populated by desperate SCAVENGERS hoping to make money by looting valuable items from Cyre’s smoking remains: an area they call THE GRAY. Survival in Salvation requires quick wits, a strong constitution, and a friend watching your back. Salvation is a rough-and-tumble scavenger outpost on the edge of the Mournland. Chancers from across Khorvaire come here to get rich quick or die trying.


None. The outpost’s brokers use letters of marque granted by King Boranel to plunder the ruins of Cyre, guaranteeing first refusal on their finds to the nobles of Breland. To distance himself from the pillaging, King Boranel allows Salvation to operate as an independent territory on Breland’s border.

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