Haunted Horses Building / Landmark in East Faerun | World Anvil
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Haunted Horses

by Irina Trifonova

  The stables are a simple wood and thatched roof design which are directly attached to Ishi's Steel. There is always a slight tinge of iron and smoke in the air, even when Ishi is not at work. The ground is riddled with straw from the stables' bedding and hay that stabled horses have aggressively shoved out of their feeding bins in search of the tastier part of the flake.   Usually, Ishi is too busy to handle those interested in looking at the horses, so the stables are free reign for citizens and visitors to wander. A few signs, carved into wood, adorn stalls warning of feeding restrictions or habitual biters. In addition to animals available for purchase, quite a few stalls have traveler's horses waiting for their turn to receive shoes or for a bit to be properly fitted. These can be found on the left side of the stables, while the purchasable horses are to the right.   For stabling your horse overnight, the best place is the Thirsty Goat. However, there is a few acre pasture located out the backside of the stable for those staying for longer and wishing their horse more room to move. The cost is ~7 sp a week and subject to change based on the behavior of your animal.    
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