Wardenclyffe Tower Park Building / Landmark in Earthly Realm | World Anvil
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Wardenclyffe Tower Park

One of the few buildings on the industrial block that seems to still have work.   The claim is that

Purpose / Function

A reward for the players, eventually becoming their fast travel system if needed


Was once an old farmhouse away from the city, bought and cared for from a hardworking old man named Hickory Jones, who built it at the beginning of the great "Gold Rush" (January 24, 1848 – 1855)   Over a lifetime, the family noticed some strange and disturbing things at night. Mysterious shadowy figures walking across the farm at night that ended up slowly getting stranger. With things disappearing from the house and eventually the family had strange visions. Eventually, at a local bar, while laughing off his tales to the local barkeep, he is overheard by a strange old man with round glasses and a never ending smile. He claimed to be an expert in the strange and a man of knowledge.   Immediately the stranger offered everything to his name to acquire the property for the man
Alternative Names
Tesla Park, Wardenclyffe Tower
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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