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EARTHI starts off as a continent with several countries. The country set up in my mind right now is a ruthless desert. Other countries include a still tundra and a flourishing land- much like Europe, which has many countries of different climates and terrains. I might even throw in an island... The countries are all overseen by kings, who are overseen by an emperor on his own territory. Where that might be is yet to be seen- maybe a floating city, maybe an island, maybe someplace else. Either way, his power is unrivaled by any other. The Emperor is chosen among their children for their wits and strength- if any of them possess magic, they’ll have an edge over the competition. Magic in EARTHI is considered a living thing. Either you control it or it controls you. Most magicians learn to control their magic to their will. Others, if they abuse or suppress their magic, they’re overwhelmed- should this happen, the magician eventually loses their humanity and solely becomes a thing of magic. However, a magician may learn to co-exist with their magic and should this happen, they become exceptionally powerful though it’s very rare. All the same, a magician must use their magic because should it be kept away, they will go mad and be consumed by their magic- at which point, you aren’t even human anymore. EARTHI also has monsters and dragons. Monsters are intelligent beings, not quite human and not quite animal; werewolves, sirens, and the kipine are to name a few. Monster is just the general term- there’s so much more. A monster’s biology is mainly ruled by magic than actual physics and this drives prejudice and (false) rumors surrounding them. Dragons though, dragons are feared. Long, long ago when humans stole their gold- the gold necessary for hatching their whelps- dragons and humans fought in a war. It was the dragons who resigned because they were weary of the bloodshed, and hid deep and far where humans wouldn’t find them. Humans think them extinct though, and whisper harrowing stories of the war to their children to this day- feared, always feared. Then, we have the actual Gods- addressing all of them, they are called the Ancients. Depending on the person, they’re respected, feared, adored or laughed at. They are very real though, they watch closely over EARTHI because all mortals have proven to be idiots and need to be kept in check. As intelligent beings, they of course have personalities- some good, some bad- and sometimes, even visit Earth to entertain themselves.

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