Trida exist as a singular society under an umbrella government. There are smaller parcels for branches of government, but there is no conflict between parcels. There is no terrestrial military or police force. Crime is rare and handled via tribunal.
In the past, The trida were among the most technologically advanced in the galaxy, but the cost to the environment of Glieson caused the population to either flee for nearby planets or return to an agricultural society.
Trida are mammalian. They are monomorphic, both males and females averaging 2.5 meters in height and 150 kilograms in mass with dense musculature and low fat accumulation. They are mostly hairless, with only hair on their heads and in their pubic region. Hair color ranges from light purple to black. Eye colors include blue, purple, and gray.
Trida are monogamous, typically taking a single sexual partner in their life which will not be replaced if one dies. Children are raised as a single family unit, with children attending gender-segregated schools.
The trida keep their male and female children separated from each other to avoid poor mate-bonding. They have an atypically strong mate-bond process. In most advanced species, part of the trigger is based on a combination of genetic and environmental compatibility factors. Trida mate-bonding is not as sophisticated; therefore, children are kept separated to prevent an early bond. Upon passing the predetermined milestones of maturity, parents will meet with parents of other mature, unbonded trida in order to determine if it is safe for them to meet. In this way, young adult trida typically establish their mate within twenty introductions, at which point they are welcome into community gatherings.
Trida are members of the Earth Defense Force allies. Due to their many technological advances ad extremely high intelligence, they are sought after for research and development of stronger defence technology, but most trida prefer work in the medical sector, where they've also made great advancements. All EarthDef breeder stations are staffed with trida hybrids as their Chief Medics.
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