Zelvium Material in Earth-V114-7211RD | World Anvil
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Zelvium is from an extra-dimensional substance so its properties are kinda funny (aka I'm not smart enough at any science to make it realistic lmao)   The word is derived from the Fulain word for 'crystal' which is just Zelvi.


Material Characteristics

It's a naturally shiny, silver metal. Under certain lights it appears a bit more blue. In its raw form, it resembles bismuth in its geometric, cuboid shapes. Its cleavage is perfect, but it takes a lot to actually break it.
It has been recorded to be found in seemingly impossible structures, such as roughly resembling human limbs, horns of various shapes, and even weapons. These structures have only ever been recorded above ground or buried. Never occuring in caves.
  In supermassive structures (like the Kardeleo Lily), the ends turn to a reddish-pink.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Not easily flammable, but when it is set alight, the fire is an uncanny reddish-pink. Is rather light but very durable and strong. Also doesn't stain easily. It's quite easy to mine and there's a lot of it in places, so it's pretty easy to produce.   When stimulated with high amounts of energy, it can expand out a lot. This was discovered when someone tried to use Zelvium as an electrical conductor. It didn't work, except it wouldn't do it every time. Scientists still haven't properly figured out what triggers it. So far it seems like really massive impacts and electricity can sometimes trigger expansion.   Common use of Zelvium is responsible for turning people into Deltas (humans with weird abilities) over the process of a few generations. The populations are the largest in places where Zelvium usage is the highest, so particularly Automa and Fulmina. The Americas have a slightly smaller percentage, and then other countries have smaller percentages still, but they are growing. These weird abilities have been attributed to extended exposure to Zelvium, so there was a significant amount of people that stopped using things with Zelvium in it. But the effects couldn't be undone and it turns out there was no real health risk.   Zelvium affects only humans for some reason (it's do with sapience). People that have been affected by Zelvium in this way are called Deltas. They're essentially humans that have new weird abilities and maybe slightly unnatural appearances. There have been different social reactions to the new presence of Deltas, some positive and some negative. (It is later on found out that the effects of being a Delta can be reversed, but it's a somewhat complicated process and can only be done with the Sword of Anima)   From the Classified Files of the VANGUARD Z+X Research Sector
  Zelvium expansion is most reliably triggered actual Xeirans. They are able to remotely control it and set it off. The extent to which they can do this is dependent on their actual cotrol capabilities. The current Xeiran that has agreed to participate in research, Erhea, allegedly has good control, but not the best. (We say allegedly because we only have her word and her demonstrations alone. There is no way to properly gague Xeiris control capability with only one Xeiran to base it off of. For now, we just gotta believe what she says.)


It's the prime ingredient for Z-infusions (lit. Zelvium Infusions) or other Z-based enhancement drugs.

Geology & Geography

Highest concentrations are in Automa and Fulmina, then America, Canada, Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean. Then it's just kinda sparse from there. You're not gonna find much in Europe, Africa, or most of Asia. (You'll get a bit around eastern coastlines like Japan and Korea and a bit of China, but it's still not that much.)

Origin & Source

It's crystallized Xeiris. It inserted itself throughout the Earth as a result of the Great Impact back in the late 1800's. Higher amounts of it are found closer to Automa and Fulmina, with the highest concentration in those two countries. From there it's like a gradient that eventually dissipates out.

Life & Expiration

On its own, it technically doesn't have a halflife since it's not a true element.
In Z-infusions/Z-based drugs, the halflife is about the same as alcohol but it's typically been modified somehow to do that.

History & Usage


Xeirans had long been using it far before they crashed into Earth. Humans first discovered it in Automa when they first settled there. Then in very quick succession, Zelvium was found throughout the mainland USA (incl. Alaska and Hawaii), Mexico, Canada, Japan, Central America, Carribean countries, and the north of South America.


It was discovered by Xeirans long before they hit Earth, as they regularly used it in their items, weapons and technology.

Everyday use

Often used in common household items that stainless steel could be used in as well. Zelvium isn't quite as common, but it's still used quite a bit. Also used in architecture, furniture, tools/appliances, etc.   It's not really recommended that it's used as an electrical conductor just because of its volatility that scientists still haven't quite pinned down.   It has medicinal use as well as performance enchancing properties when it's been purified and modified into a drug. For medicinal use, it can be used in some painkillers as well as drugs that speed up the natural healing process (Accelerator). In terms of drugs, it's an effective performance enhancer, but depending on how it's made, it can have unsafe drawbacks even from only one dosage.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It's not really "culturally significant" to either humans or Xeirans. Xeirans have been using it far longer than humans have, but they don't consider it sacred or anything like that because quite a few xeirans can produce it themselves instead of mining it, so it's not a very scarce resource to them.   It hasn't been used long enough by humans to have any special cultural importance to anyone anyway.


Sudden expansion can happen, but it's rare. The Kardeleo eruption is considered a tragedy-level of a natural disaster. Around 100,000 people died in it. (Population was about 2,000,000). It was like a massive Earthquake with massive Zelvium crystals spiking up out of the ground.

Environmental Impact

There's no real environmental risks from Zelvium. It is recommended to be recycled or modified to be given a halflife so that it can naturally decay away. Chunks of Zelvium that are just left lying around could undergo sudden expansion, but again, it's very rare. Over time, the chunk would just get overtaken by plants assuming that no one finds it.

Reusability & Recycling

Recycled Zelvium is a thing. (Ah yes what an insightful description).
  Humans remelt it down and repurify it for it to be used again.
Xeirans otherwise just reabsorb it or will have it reconstructed.


Trade & Market

Exporting it is what got the Automa and Fulmina economies off the ground initially. It's mainly imported in European, African, some Asian and some South American countries. America and Canada import some Fulminan and Automan Zelvium because it's cheaper there.


Raw Zelvium doesn't need anything special. You can just leave it and it'll be fine. It doesn't rust or react to oxygen since it's very chemically inert on its own.   When it's combined with other materials, however, it will have different storage requirements depending on what it was combined with. If it was combined with other chemically inert materials, then you don't need to do anything special again. But if it's with something like Bromine, then it will need to be stored according to however Bromine is stored. In short, adding Zelvium to another compound doesn't change the chemical reactivity of it, but it will change the conductivity or

Law & Regulation

Some unstable Zelvium has been found and can be shipped around, but it typically needs to be guarded.
"Please avoid ingesting Zelvium. While it is nontoxic in its raw form, it is like eating a rock or rock powder. It is just not a good idea."
  — VANGUARD Z+X Research Sector
It depends on where you are, but on average it's quite common.
Like a metallic chalk. Ingestion is not recommended but non-toxic.
Silver with a faint tint of navy blue.
Melting / Freezing Point
~1500º / (becomes brittle at around -70º)
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