Wicktrei Sea Geographic Location in Earth Two | World Anvil
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Wicktrei Sea


Th Wicktrei Ocean makes up the northernmost tip of the planet. Surrounded by Oparva and Peraquien, the Ocean is nearly entirely isolated from the other Oceans of the World. The Nicroys Strait, located between the Lesparian Peninsula and Oparva, allow for the only major connection with the Bermion Ocean. The coasts of the Wicktrei Sea consist of cliffs. Due to its northern peninsula, The northernmost Wicktrei Sea, including the waters that border Northern Oparva and Peraquiem is frozen for the winter months. Its center, most northern point located at geographic north, is permanently frozen year round and is referred to as the Ice Hub. The seafloor is home to large underwater mountains.

Fauna & Flora

Due to the isolated nature and extreme temperatures, almost no land animals live on the Wicktrei Ice Hub. Northern Foxes, snow rabbits, and other small mammals exist in small numbers, and sometimes migrate annually to more permanent land in the winter months. Several spices of large fish, such as Trout, Halibut, Salmon, and Sturgeon, live in the region's waters. Large ocean mammals, including seals, walruses, whales also inhabit the Sea. Narwhal, while more rarer than the previous animals, can be found as well.

Natural Resources

The Wicktrei Sea has sporadic stores of oil and natural gas reserves beneath its seafloor. The large populations of fish are coveted sources of food, and a large industry, while seasonally tied, is very profitable.
Alternative Name(s)
North Sea, The Frozen Ocean, Ice Nation

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