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Set in a world where currently most of the human population has gained the ability to develop superpowers called "Quirks" , which occur in children within the age of four: it is estimated that around 80% of the world population has a Quirk. There are an endless number of Quirks, and it is extremely unlikely to find two people who have the exact same power, unless they are closely related. Among the Quirk-enhanced individuals, a few of them earn the title of Heroes, who cooperate with the authorities in rescue operations and aprehending criminals who abuse their powers, commonly known as Villains. In addition, Heroes who excel on their duties gain celebrity status and are recognized as "Pro Heroes".   The players will be Hero prospectives entering the relatively new educational system for Heroes in the country of The Isles, an alternate world version of the British Isles where with the appearance of Quirks came the destabilisation of the country as many of these new empowered people came together to form the Brittiania Meta Liberators and crushed the governemnt as well as the monarchy of the time reducing the once proud and storied country into a mass of warring states and warlords, but years ago through the hard work of those that would now be called Heroes the country was saved and under the leadership of Prime Minister Sterling the Isles has started to develop its own Hero industry and Heroes, amongst which you are one of the new students of the Albion College or Heroes.

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