Type Two Vampire Species in Earth | World Anvil
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Type Two Vampire

Inspired by Vampires from the TV show Supernatural, they are also similar to Zombies in some aspects.

Basic Information


Humanoid in most aspects, these creatures possess a set of fangs, which click into place over their teeth. In certain circumstances, their whole eyes (Pupil/Iris/Sclera) glow red. Their 'blood' is a darker red than the average human blood, created by mixing their sire's transparent dark red venom with whatever remains of their human blood at the point of transformation.

Biological Traits

These vampires, unlike their cousins, are technically dead. They lack any kind of heartbeat or traceable brain function, but can still be high-functioning, intelligent people. Also unlike their cousins, they do not burn in sunlight. Instead, exposure to UV light causes them to begin decomposing (like a zombie).

Genetics and Reproduction

Type two vampires are unable to reproduce with any species, meaning that the primary way of growing their numbers is to turn people. Mostly they turn humans (easiest and quickest) however, type two venom is so potent and powerful that it can turn celestials, healers, type one vampires and sunwalkers, as well as any descendants of these.

Growth Rate & Stages

Anyone at any stage of life can be turned into a type two as their bodies naturally revert back to their 'prime' state when they feed for the first time, meaning that those turned when older will look how they did in their mid-late 20s or early 30s. Those turned while in their youth are able to age but only to the point of appearing to be in their 'prime'. From this 'prime', type two vampires will never age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampires drink human blood to survive. The first time they do this, their appearance will change and become younger or older to a point which is considered their 'prime'. They hunt in their clan groups, with each member doing a specific, important job or role. Should hunting prove sparse, type twos may also consume the rest of the human body. Type twos will also feed on any other kind of humanoid.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Living in groups of 9-14, there is no hierarchical structure. Generally, each member has a specific role, and are all considered equally important regardless of gender, sexuality, race, religion or other factors. Other than these unstructured groups, they have no structural society or systems linking them all together.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Type two vampires produce a venom - salty with a bitter aftertaste, though not usually ingested - which gives a euphoric high when injected. It is highly addictive as it lowers inhibitions and blocks the signals pain receptors send to the brain as well as acting like a paralytic and causing memory loss. Venom hangovers are similar to those caused by alcohol, but generally cause aching pain throughout the body. Prolonged use can turn a person as once the level of venom in a person's bloodstream reaches 40%, they begin to transform, however the process is slow at this stage, taking days or weeks to complete. For non-humans, 40% means they develop an alternate personality which can be triggered by music or certain words. If 100% of a person's blood is drained and replaced with the venom (which is a deep red colour), then the transformation can happen in only a few hours. Generally, humans only fully turn once venom has reached 60%, and other species only turn once the venom makes up 80%. Diluted venom, treated with stem cells and UV light and with certain components removed has been proven highly successful in treating cancer and other 'incurable' diseases, however, there has not yet been a way found to remove the addictive properties, although progress has been made in lessening the effects.
Additionally, in every type two's venom, there is a unique virus or disease which takes hold in non-humans should their venom fail. Some non-humans develop antibodies to fight the venom, which triggers the virus.
Type two vampires who are captured and kept alive are transferred to the Government Department for Vampire Containment (GDVC) where they are used as test subjects for a variety of things.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They possess the same enhanced healing, agility, speed, strength, stamina and senses that most immortals do. Their only power is one which allows them to absorb other beings powers, skills and abilities through drinking their blood. This means that by drinking a sunwalker's blood, they can go out in sunlight.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are known for their brutality and ruthlessness, and as such, are feared by every other species on the planet.
Conservation Status
Although not under protection of any kind, type two vampires are not as common as type ones, primarily because they are mostly careless hunters and are quickly and easily dealt with once discovered. Although celestial blades work best, beheading is just as lethal, and dead man's blood has been known to be effective against them.

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