Vanguard Protection Unit; VPU Military Formation in Earth 2185ce | World Anvil

Vanguard Protection Unit; VPU

The specialized security unit responsible for protecting Vanguard Tower in São Paulo, consists of approximately 50 highly trained and skilled personnel. This size allows for a well-rounded and efficient security force, capable of maintaining a strong presence and ensuring effective coverage of the tower's premises. The squad is carefully selected based on their expertise in various tactical disciplines, including physical security, close-quarters combat, crowd control, and threat assessment. With their extensive training and experience, the members of the Sentinel Squad work collaboratively to provide comprehensive security coverage, conducting patrols, monitoring surveillance systems, and responding to potential threats or security incidents in a swift and coordinated manner. The relatively compact size of the Sentinel Squad allows for effective communication, seamless coordination, and a high level of proficiency in their duties, ensuring the safety and protection of Vanguard Tower and its occupants.



The Vanguard Protection Unit, the specialized security unit responsible for protecting Vanguard Tower in São Paulo, consists of approximately 50 highly trained and skilled personnel. This size allows for a well-rounded and efficient security force, capable of maintaining a strong presence and ensuring effective coverage of the tower's premises. The squad is carefully selected based on their expertise in various tactical disciplines, including physical security, close-quarters combat, crowd control, and threat assessment. With their extensive training and experience, the members of the Vanguard Protection Unit work collaboratively to provide comprehensive security coverage, conduct patrols, monitor surveillance systems, and respond to potential threats or security incidents in a swift and coordinated manner. The relatively compact size of the VPU allows for effective communication, seamless coordination, and a high level of proficiency in their duties, ensuring the safety and protection of Vanguard Tower and its occupants.   However, the entirety of the VPU relies on other redundancies within the megacorporation to operate at maximum efficiency.


Alpha Team, VPU serves as the primary response unit. It consists of a team leader and several highly trained operatives skilled in close-quarters combat and rapid response tactics. Alpha Team is responsible for immediate threat neutralization, hostage rescue, and securing critical areas within Vanguard Tower.   Bravo Team, VPU specializes in perimeter security and access control. This team is responsible for monitoring and controlling entry and exit points, conducting thorough security checks, and verifying the credentials of individuals accessing the tower. Bravo Team ensures that only authorized personnel are granted entry and maintains the overall security of the tower's boundaries.   Charlie Team, VPU  focuses on surveillance and monitoring. Comprising skilled operatives with expertise in advanced surveillance technology, this unit oversees the tower's extensive network of cameras and sensors. They monitor live feeds, analyze data, and detect any suspicious activities or potential threats, providing crucial intelligence to the other teams.   Delta Team, VPU specializes in threat assessment and risk management. These personnel conduct regular security assessments, identify vulnerabilities, and implement risk mitigation strategies. Delta Team works closely with the other units to develop and update security protocols, ensuring that Vanguard Tower remains resilient against evolving threats.   Echo Team, VPU specializes in crowd control and emergency response. Their primary responsibility is managing large gatherings, events, and potential emergencies within the tower. Echo Team members are trained in crowd management techniques, first aid, and crisis intervention, ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants during high-traffic periods or critical incidents.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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