Haendorianach Language in Eainor | World Anvil
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the language of the Haendorians

Created by Christopher Moore

I based Haendorianach mostly a whole lot of random mis-hearings and spellings, but also some Greek and Welsh. It, as the name hints, is the language of the Haendorians. Many magicians find it compatible with magical spells, and Haendorian has mainly been used for spells since the fall of the Haendorionae. There are two versions of this language: the ancient one and the evolved one. The only big difference between the two is that the evolved version has shorter words for practicality. In the dictionary, I'm gonna put the new Haendorianach as the word and the old Haendorianach as the etymology.

Here is a google sheets I put together to help you understand some linguistics. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S5XPwxqFhGIIFXNdN3cs3CJqv1mUl5jv1nSso2y4BV4/edit?usp=sharingPlease tell me if there is anything wrong or if you can edit it (I'm almost certain you can't, but you can never be too careful)

Writing System

straight runes easy to carve into rock, no capital letters

Geographical Distribution

Throughout Eainor in the form of spells, although long ago it was used commonly by the Haendorians in the Great City.


Haendorianach is filled with many pure vowels. Words are very long and pleasant to the ear as the latter part of Haendorian civilization was generally fairly easy for all, so their language was meant for poetry and speeches and song, not urgent matters that require shorter words.

In the dictionary most words have two forms; the ancient Haendorian which is under the etymology, and the modified Haendorian which is spoken in certain parts of the world.

However, the branch language, Noidyr, is very much the opposite, for they lived a life of constant peril in their escape from The Fires of Extinction. Therefore, their language is very similar to Haendorian, except with most vowels removed or simplified.


suffixes (these are not strict rules):

-ei -- plural

-a -- verb

-(n)as -- action

-e -- adjective

-n, -th, -dh -- noun

-ng, -ch, -gh -- idea


verb subject object. modifiers generally in front of the word they modify.


kristu-friend ninav-only/nothing but ran/ron-folk/race rion/rian-one's own folk lordor-kings/royalty coon(oo is pronounced like book)-what eve-all van-and i(pronounced ee)-i/me golnor-power nocs-night ag-on a-for donor-star laevos-festival mari-home sa-is


All normal vowels are round unless indicated otherwise. In other words, a=sound of "dog", e="set", i="see", u="tooth", o="goat". "y" acts as the vowel sound of "it", and w like "book". This also applies to the Noidyr language and most names of places and people you come across in in this world.


14 Words.
Spoken by

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