Denarch Character in Eainor | World Anvil
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Basically: Demigod to which shrines of sanctuary are given, and who has been known to appear to enforce them

These are his rules:

Do not raise even a finger in violence against another person within the sanctuary.

Do not force anyone out of the sanctuary with threat or force.

Do not outstay your welcome

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Denarch sees the world fairly simply; violence is a necessary evil, yet peace is more valuable. Everyone deserves safety and peace no matter who they are, and he is more than willing to uphold that right. Unlike some tricky magic folk, sanctuary-seekers must follow the spirit of his laws; not simply the word. And -- being a powerful demigod -- he can do that.

In fact, he has been known to revoke a sanctuary for neglect and ill-spirited use.

What can I say? He's generally a pretty cool guy but he just plain doesn't take any crap cuz his whole schtick is giving free protection so people should just respect it. And that's about it.

Divine Classification

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