Eagsain Eras of Eagsain Timeline
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Eras of Eagsain

The entire timeline of eagsain divided into eras.

  • 100000 BC

    90000 BC

    The creation of the world
    Era beginning/end

    Since forever the Titans were fighting constantly, that until approximately -90000 when the last titans died and the world was created.

  • 90000 BC

    50000 BC

    The Era of Creation

    The era of creation, when the gods created the new world. To protect the new world they had to separate it from the chaos, using the greater shield. This also blocked out most of the gods' powers and magic.

  • 50000 BC

    15000 BC

    The Old Ages/The Time Before Magic
    Era beginning/end

    This time was known as "The Old Times" before the Magic were brought to the world. This time the world was mostly populated by men, orcs, goblins, and dwarf. These days are mostly forgotten, as there is no one to remember them. This era ended as magic was born, and the sunrealm and the moonrealm drifted into the world and allowed the gods to finally communicate with their followers truly, and give them power. This gave the world not only magic from the Sunrealm and the Moonrealm, but also allowed the children of the moon to come to the mortal realms and created the elves, and the children of the sun to come to the mortal realm and created the gnomes. Eventually, this event led to the creation of the magical land of Eagsain as we know it. the date isn't accurate

  • 15000 BC

    1 AD

    The days of the elves
    Era beginning/end

    As the elves arrived at eagsain, They gifted it with their knowledge of magic, the knowledge that was lost with the fall of the elven kingdoms. They quickly became the strongest in eagsain with their kingdoms. When Ezarkok attacked, the kingdoms fell and the era ended.

  • 1 AD

    349 AD

    The days of the dragon
    Artistic creation

    As Ezarkok destroyed Eagsain, made the elves flew to the north, and made all the others dig themself underground, he changes the world. He kept on roaming the Eagsain's mainland for 13 years before vanishing. His armies took a lot longer to get rid of. In the year 349 men finally deemed the surface safe enough to try live on it.

  • 349 AD

    897 AD

    Legends Era
    Era beginning/end

    As money became short, and the rich people started creating kingdoms under their rules, great poverty was within the peasant. Across eagsain, many men and women begin to rob the rich to be able to feed and live, they found that the best way of doing that was by attacking the ships that travel in the seas of again. Among these pirates rose some pirates that fought for freedom against the authority that became to be the first captains of "The Legendary Captains of the Seas", captains as "Captain Rhine", "Captain Elane". This event marks the start of the "Legends Era".

  • 897 AD

    The Age of The Kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    Later as a result of the pirates' success, cities unified to create the 4 kingdoms, one on each island, Groffision, Gindland, Borston, and Mecruster (Later known as Vownile). The rise of the kingdoms weekend the pirates, and marked the start of "The Age of The Kingdoms".