The Bloody Fist Building / Landmark in Dustin & Dragons | World Anvil
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The Bloody Fist

I suppose this notorious dive is a good example of just how bad a tavern can possibly be. Repeated furniture breakage has resulted in only wall benches and a standup elbow bar in the center of the room being left. Wooden mugs have replaced metal, ceramic, and glass vessels, and the beer barrels are chained down to prevent their easy use as missiles.   Drinkers stand herded together like rothe in a pen, snarling and belching, and fights are almost constant. Bullies and angry people come here to pick fights, and a room upstairs is retained for a succession of novice priests of Tempus, who dress broken bones and perform minor healing magics in return for donations to the war god.   One local bard, Talashamber of the Flame Tabard, even dubbed this place the "Watching Wargod" in a sarcastic ditty about the two-fisted heroes of Waterdeep, and the nickname has passed into general usage, as in: "Let's drain a few at the Wargod."” Men down on their luck can be hired here, but there is little else of interest.   Proprietor Uglukh Vorl is a half-orc who has been known to yawn in the midst of a full-scale swordfight. He defends himself with a sleep-poisoned, double-bladed battle axe whose central shaft ends in a spear blade.

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