The Church of Ecstasy Organization in Duskvol | World Anvil
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The Church of Ecstasy

The “state religion” honours the life of the body and abhors the corrupted spirit world. Essentially a secret society.


A church.


A large treasury of tithes from citizens. Extensive arcane and occult libraries, workspaces, and artifacts. Many cohorts of acolytes and hollows who enforce the will of the Church’s leadership.

Mythology & Lore

They believe that the flesh is stronger than the spirit.


Makes rites such as public baths or olimpic games, perhaps also carnivals to keep away the spirits of the dead. It might also have 2 profiles, one for the low classes and another one for the nobility. The high class celebrates orgies, sometimes even sacrifices, and due to experimentation with demons, priests have gained access to flesh-moulding powers, like Vicissitude in WoD, which they use to perform "surgeries" to members of those elite circles to make their bodies perfect.   And for the lower classes, the religion might be centered in the adoration of the hollow ideal: mindlessness and submission of the body to your superiors. Free will is seen as a curse caused by the spirit inhabiting the body.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Church
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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