Dugond The Dark Prince Reborn
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The Dark Prince Reborn



Orcus notices his work was undone...

Awakening from his wound-induced torpor, the Archdemon Orcus finds that the god Tyr has presses a sorcerer into service gathering and sorting souls. Orcus had hoped that in his slumber he would have enough souls stockpiled to begin his assault against the surface but instead found his collection wanting. Setting his mortal followers to task, he emboldened his priest Kalarel with the Archdemon's very own wand. Kalarel's mission was to attack the Shadowfell directly and sever the tie between the Pale Emperor and the incoming dead. Failing in this at the hands of an Adventuring Party, Kalarel was killed for his loss of the wand and an old evil was resurrected. Sharrupak, the High Priest of Orcus' order was awoken and charged with adding the skulls of the heroes, as well as that of the Pale Emperor, to the Archdemon's throne. Orcus himself bides his time, working through his cult to recover his wand so he might stride Dugond's soil once again.

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