College of The Arcane Order Organization in Dugond | World Anvil
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College of The Arcane Order


Applicants to the College come from far and wide and sign up to be taught voluntarily; the 'tuition' however is the applicant's very freedom. Those chosen capable enough to learn the ways of the Order and to be one of it's members forfeit their former life to become a Student. Students under 'contract' to the Order are now bound by it's principles and not only learn under the Archmage, but work, serve, live and die under him. Students are taught by graduated members, referred to as Mages. A group of Mages in a particular topic are then lead by a veteran, known as that subject's High Mage. The High Mages oversee general education and student issues while they answer to the Archmage, who acts as the governing head of the school and the Order.

Public Agenda

The school offers to take in and teach those who may have an aptitude in the magical, whether it be natural or learned in exchange for 'admission'. Some see this as a 'selling of the soul', as once you belong to the Order, you do until death and are bound to their wishes; while others would much rather someone receive training for their gifts instead of practicing unmonitored, even if it is via contract.


The majority of the College's material wealth stems from two sources: the first being the influx of goods and artifacts from lands far and wide, commissioned by the aforementioned contracts and brought home by it's students. The second being in payment for specialized learning and access to the school's extensive library, which houses just as many first editions as it does last editions in existence.


The College sits on what used to be Dalasurian ground in an Age past, but now as part of Sull, the Sullian Kingdom allows them to continue operation so long as the mages and their town of Thornmoor remain neutral in political affairs.

"Ex verbo mutatio"

Founding Date
633, A2
Educational, School/Academy
One who graduates is known as a Sage.
Notable Members

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