Elravian Species in DTG Verse | World Anvil
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Elravian (El-rAv-ian)

The Elravian Empire was, twenty-thousand years ago, the dominant power in the galaxy. Most notable was their ability to channel an elemental power - earth, wind, water, or fire - utilizing a specially attuned conduit. The most common use of these abilities was offensive, the Elravians being exceptionally war-like. One particular member of the species, Arial Vaharic, was able to channel a fifth element; ether, the lifeforce of living beings.    The Elravian Empire eventually fell, the species forced to evacuate their planet and take to the stars. Over thousands of years, Elravians ceased to exist as a distinct species, their genetic lineage absorbed into other civilizations. Whether any living descendants are still able to access the same elemental powers has yet to be determined.
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