The StormVault. Building / Landmark in Drustvar | World Anvil
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The StormVault.

The Stormvault was one of the structures built in the first great expansions of Stormspire.Originally created by early Stormasons to stand as the first bank of Stormspire.

Purpose / Function

Originally designed to be the premier bank for the citizens,in more current times the bank has not been maintained properly but still stands as a testament to some of the early Stormasons best work.It is still a popular bank for the well to do and loyal to the church,as it stands in the wealthy part of town.Though,it has recently fallen out of prominence as a new bank has opened in the western side of town,that is not associated with the Storm Spire Citadel,and allows patronage from any citizen of Stormspire,Threatening the Spires ability to collect revenue.


For many centuries,the vault was consistently ungraded to provide a secure place to store ones coins or belongings,but shortly after Sarthratainian canal was constructed,And the church began to lose the confidence of it's people the bank became a much less popular institution.


The banking house that sits atop the vault itself is also a marvel of the early Stormasons craftsmanship.constructed of white marble blocks accented with tiny veins of blessed gold throughout the stone blocks,similar to the materials of the Storm Spire.
Alternative Names
First Bank of Storspire,The vault.
Bank / Treasury
Parent Location

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