The oath of light,related title. Rank/Title in Drustvar | World Anvil
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The oath of light,related title.

Light/sun/bright. Paladins or otherwise more zealous followers of the Sun will take the prefix that all my know their allegiance and dedication to the sun.Names such as lightsworn,lightborn and lightbringer are more popular in the more stoic Stormspire,while Brightsong, Sunrage,Dayseeker,and other variants are common of those who take their oath in Sarthratanus.


One may only be granted this title by an Arch bishop of the Sun


The tasks can vary greatly depending on the circumstance and Archbishop performing the oath/pact.


An Archbishop may perform the rite anywhere. But it most often happens in the Stormspire citadel.


Ones duty to the light depends on their oath.But a sun worshippers duty is generally to tried and bring a consistent,and lasting peace to the world of Drustvar,In the Name of the Sun.


One who receives this title is likely to Spend much of their life reporting to religious officials in the hierarchy of the sunworshipper religion.Strict adherence to the religion as well as unwavering dedication offer bearers of this title a chance to renew their oath,empowering them further.


Those with this title are revered by members of the church,especially the more non combatant ones,and looked to as a source of order,and justice.

Accoutrements & Equipment

One who takes this title is given a special stone breastplate and shoulder piece,with runes of divine magic inscribed in them,bearers of this title who have achieved the honor of renewing their oath,will have these gooves filled with blessed gold,and produce a slight aura of light around them.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

One who break their oath loses their surname completely and takes the name"oathbreaker"and are also shunned by the Followers of the sun.
Religious, Military
Alternative Naming
Historically "light"is the given prefix,although in recent times many variants have been accepted by the church.
Equates to
Source of Authority
The Sun/Light
Length of Term
Once given this title,one keeps it until death,unless the oath is broken,this person would then take the surname"oathbreaker"
Related Locations

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