Torpol Geographic Location in Drinax, The Next Generation | World Anvil
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Torpol is a water world, with no surface land. The limited population lives on the ice caps at the north and south poles of the planet, or on huge stilt-supported platforms built in shallow water. The planet’s primary industry is, unsurprisingly, fishing and producing hydrogen fuel for the trade convoys that dock here. Despite Torpol’s lack of natural resources, the provosts who rule the planet have proved themselves canny merchants, buying and selling goods along the Florian trade route. The eccentric Florian League is a difficult trading partner, as guessing what the Floriani will decide to invest in next is something of an art, and the provosts have studied the demands of the distant League in order to predict which goods will sell in coming years. Torpol has also made its name as a planet for shore leave, by establishing a string of ‘pleasure ports’ along the tropics. Torpol’s high Law Level is a reflection of the provosts’ need to keep the planet’s reputation as a safe place to relax. The pleasure ports may feel wild, erotic and untamed, but they are actually the safest place on the planet.

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