Sam Willow Character in dreamland | World Anvil
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Sam Willow

" In dreamland, I am boundless, and my purpose is to guide others on their own journey towards understanding the depths of their own dreams. that is why i do not want to go back" - Sam Willow   Sam Willow is a captivating figure within the realm of Dreamland. As a perpetual dreamer, they possess a deep connection and affinity for the dream realm. Unlike dreamshapes, who are creations of dreamers that can exist in all realms except Incubus, Sam Willow's persistent dreaming prevents them from returning to the real world.   Sam Willow is a perpetual dreamer, lost in the ethereal landscapes and shifting realities of Dreamland. Their mind is forever entwined in the fabric of dreams, constantly exploring new dimensions and experiencing alternate realities. This unshakable connection to the realm of dreams grants them a profound understanding of its intricacies and secrets.   As the leader of the Weeping Willows, a group of dreamers based at the celestial/incubus border, Sam Willow possesses a unique perspective. They navigate the diverse realms of Dreamland, not only experiencing the enchanting fairytales of Celestial but also the terrifying nightmares of Incubus. This ability to traverse between different realms gives them a profound insight into the mysteries and dangers that lie in each realm.   Sam Willow is often regarded as a visionary with a deep sense of empathy and understanding. Their perpetual dreaming allows them to see beyond the surface of the dream realm, uncovering hidden meanings, symbols, and connections within dreams. They possess a natural talent for deciphering the messages and emotions embedded within dreams, guiding their fellow dreamers towards personal revelations and growth.   Within the Weeping Willows, Sam Willow's leadership style is one of compassion, wisdom, and guidance. They foster a sense of community among the dreamers, encouraging mutual support and collaboration. Sam Willow's perpetual dreaming serves as an inspiration to the group, reminding them of the beauty and power of dreams and the infinite possibilities they hold.   In summary, Sam Willow is a perpetual dreamer and leader of the Weeping Willows, who possess an intimate understanding of the intricacies of Dreamland. Their ability to dream perpetually and navigate between realms grants them a unique perspective and makes them a beacon of wisdom and guidance for fellow dreamers.
somewere around 39
blue, startling
short brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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